Today I saw one of the most bad ass things Ive ever witnessed - TopicsExpress


Today I saw one of the most bad ass things Ive ever witnessed outdoors. It really confirmed why I love this breed and why our dogs are so special to us. Badge had always had a goofy disposition ever since he was a tiny pup but in the last 6 months or so as he has transitioned into a well proportioned, impressive dog of great stature I couldnt help but wonder what that OTHER gear of his might be like... Could he... WOULD he step between us and a threat in a real time scenario. He answered it in awe inspiring fashion. Last week we hiked through the Congaree forest without the dogs and encountered some big wild pigs, even videod a few. As cool as that was, we would have been screwed if things went south. We brought the dogs tree today and even though I was curious how a face to face with more pigs might go, I figured last week was probably some kinda stroke of luck. Badge (and Segen) does very well off leash, he mixes his own fun with good proximity and spot checking on where we are really well.. We passed countless couples, a group of rambunctious Boy Scouts, people with strollers etc, none of which broke their stride (unless to stop in for some free petting action) After walking for a couple hours we were maybe a half mile from the end of our walk when I noticed Badge and Segen stop in their tracks and focus all of their attention towards the margins of the wood line and trail path. It was a huge jet black pig just standing maybe 40 feet away staring our way. Im not kidding Badge flared the hair on his back and looked like he doubled in size... He let out a deep growl that freakin sent chills down my spine and he was off after the pig. Ive NEVER seen him move like he did, he closed on that thing bounding over limbs ditches etc and was on that things ass in no time. The way he ran wasnt like he was chasing a ball or playing, he was close to the ground, all of his muscles rippled and bounced and he had superior speed over the pig that was easily twice his size. His chest was bouncing off this things rear end he was right on it. I figured this was something id dread but no, it was captivating and awesome, Ive never seen that side of Badge, he transformed into some kind of unstoppable force. The best part of it, it was not some kinda prey instinct to just chase, he moved this thing off and came right back when called off and positioned himself between us the way Ive always read about but never seen. To Segens credit... She too took chase, but that little dummy didnt come back immediately like Badge did. Kinda worried me because that pig was way beat on speed and inevitably wouldve opted to turn and fight. For the rest of our walk Badge and Segen remained on high alert and really close to us, periodically stopping and looking into the tree line. I love my dogs! Hate to rant but had to share. I wish so bad there was enough time to film it but really it all happened very fast. These are just pics from earlier in our walk.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 22:28:48 +0000

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