Today I took a call from the nurse from our Neuro in the teachers - TopicsExpress


Today I took a call from the nurse from our Neuro in the teachers lounge next to my room. Somewhere between getting the details of the two hours of paperwork, 6 hours of surgery into my kids brain, the post op and then the implantation of the battery packs that I began sobbing. Not sniffling, sobbing. I dont cry. I cant cry as needed. I dont have time or energy to cry. AND I truly dont break down at school. Angel Roberts and one of our sign interpreters, Debbie Navarete were in the lounge at this time. Not sure if either have ever seen me really upset. I mean I cried. Broke down. Fell apart. Showed a weakness. Damn it. These ladies were so sweet and prayed with me for hope and I sobbed. Mary Larkan was out. Terri Morgan and April Wolterstorff are across campus and Rachael Collins is 45 miles away. I broke down and its been years. Then I went back and taught an awesome lesson on embedded text evidence because THAT is EASIER than my kid being a Guinea pig because there are no other options available. Can I press the emergency button because the Tin (Wo)Man may have emotions and I need further comfort? I pulled it together and taught until 8:30 pm. Refuge comes in many shapes. I truly appreciate and am blessed by the support of my Caprock peeps. Thank you for allowibg my weakness.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 03:58:12 +0000

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