Today I walk alongside a part of the Veterans day Parade route on - TopicsExpress


Today I walk alongside a part of the Veterans day Parade route on my way to one of my account on 5th Ave, and amidst the floats and marching bands, I couldn’t help noticing the Veterans young and old, men and women some in wheelchairs pushed by love ones or their fellow Vets some were walking with limps and some were on crotches and once again it brought me back to thinking of all the young men who I met in boot camp, who did not sign up for war but so they could get a GI Bill to go college, for some it was their ticket and passport to the see the world and escape the deep backwoods of America, I remember Calvin who we use to call cool Cal, he signed up believing it was his only option to escaping dying from gangs violence on the streets of his hometown and them I think about the so called intelligent leaders who plan wars to stroke their ego and to have bragging rights about having the mightiest army in the world, all in the pursuit of financial gains, caring nothing abut the lives and dreams that they railroad along the way, and so yes I salute you, you who were draft, you who lay down your lives for a glimpse of true peace, you who just wanted to see another part of the world, you who just wanted a college education to better your lives and help your families, you who serve because you truly believe it was your patriotic duty, yes I salute you and I still hope and pray that one day the world governing bodies will find another way to settle their difference other than with wars and the sacrifice of human blood.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:09:57 +0000

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