Today, I walked into a consignment shop. I really did not feel - TopicsExpress


Today, I walked into a consignment shop. I really did not feel like going into the shop; which is unusual for me. :) But I felt DRAWN into it. I went in, started looking around and did not really see anything that got my curiosity up; but as I rounded the first aisle, there in the middle of the next aisle was an older piano. It was scratched up, had marks where someone had written on some of the keys, had a note stating which keys has issues. On impulse, I walked over to it and ran my hands across the keys, the sound was old, sweet and in bad need of a tune up. As I walked away, my hand lingered on the keys all the way to the end. I walked on to the next aisle, and was about half way through yet the next aisle and I heard someone start to play the piano. I stopped and just listened to touched my soul...this beautiful sound being emitted from the old piano that had been used, scratched, worn, and had issues. The sound just stuck in my head and I could not get away from it, I had to go and see who was playing. Not knowing what to expect, I eased my way back to where the piano was and there was a young man about 20 years old, head down, eyes closed, hands on the piano and caressing those keys like it was the finest baby grand you have ever heard. I stopped, heart in throat, not knowing the song he was playing; but KNOWING that he was worshipping God with everything he had. When he was finished and looked up, I was standing there with tears in my eyes and I said, son, you have blessed me this day. You have blessed me. What were you playing? Place of Worship, he replied. I told him, you remind me of the Violin that when on the auction block no one wanted; until an older man picked it up and began to play it and oh the sweet melody that was emitted from the violin; which because of the hands of the Master, was now priceless. I introduced myself and he told me his name twice; but what I carried with me? Worship in this Place. This song will forever be written upon my heart; because in the middle of a consignment store, filled with junk, there was a young man who knew he had found the Ultimate Treasure....God..... And he worshipped in this place. Thank God for people who Worship where ever the feel led to, no matter where they are. Thank God for whomever influenced this young man in this life to treasure God..... I want to influence someone to ..... Worship in This Place..... This Place of Worship.....
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:58:35 +0000

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