Today, I want to apologize to anyone that I have knowingly or - TopicsExpress


Today, I want to apologize to anyone that I have knowingly or unknowingly done this to. Even in situations where my comments were of much truth .... the way it was done was not the way my Heavenly Father would have me to do it. Regardless of how I am treated and lies spoken on me or my immediate family... I want nothing and no one to come between me and my Lord. There are times I do believe that God calls us to step away from those who practice this behavior as a lifestyle and who are negative. We are to guard our hearts for the wellspring of life. Christians need to work diligently to maintain proper attitudes and proper speech. James 3:1-8 - The tongue is "full of deadly poison." Like a small flame it can kindle a great fire. Thousands of acres of forest can be destroyed by a small spark. So our speech can destroy the well-being of many. Colossians 4:6 - Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Proper answers are answers that help people do right and be saved. This may include telling people they have sinned and need to repent. It may include warning other people so they avoid the sins of others. But it must always be spoken with a sincere concern for the welfare of all involved. Psalms 141:3 - We need to pray with David, "Set a guard, O lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips."What about your speech and mine? Would our Lord be pleased with our speech?What is your relationship with the Son of God who died to save you from sin?
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 01:24:24 +0000

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