Today I want to reflect upon the many people that are stressing - TopicsExpress


Today I want to reflect upon the many people that are stressing this time of the year to buy things that will not last and soon will be extinct by the end of January. We all run to the store to buy the newest phone and the newest piece of technology but we surely do not think about out neighbor that is in need. Now this is not everyone and I am not saying that you dont work hard to get what you want but I am saying that during this time of the season we need to seek out who we can bless and then continue all throughout the year. There is someone out there that is on their last leg and one act of kindness would bring them back to a place of hope. Teach your children that the gift is in giving and not always in a place where they recieve. I want you to see that the end times are here and we are in a place to as a whole make a difference. So today I ask that you reach deep down inside yourself and seek out a person in need the man by the Subway you always walk by on the way to lunch and never offer a meal, the single mother who has three kids that she needs a break from and you can be a burden lifter for an hour or two, the little boy on your street who wears the same shoes with holes in the sole needs a pair of new shoes, the single father who cannot afford to get his little girls hair done and just needs somoene to show him how. You dont know what tomorrow will bring you in such unpredictable times we cannot afford to have a selfish nature. Give and it will be given unto you....isnt that what it says. This is not something to convict just in hopes that you will become more of a burden lifter for someone else. Take your eyes off your own issues and see that there is a need.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:25:39 +0000

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