Today, I want to share a hint of the STRENGTH of Umar Ibn Al - TopicsExpress


Today, I want to share a hint of the STRENGTH of Umar Ibn Al Khattab Radiyallahu Anhu. Did you know that his strength didnt lie in his arms nor his feet but rather his strength laid in his heart and his truthfulness? Hence He was among the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum who displayed such excellence and gave such magnificence to the word strength. And this can be highlighted on the Battle of Uhud (also known as the Story of the Shuhada as there were about 70 Muslims martyred on that day). _____ During battles, Umar was effective not just with feats of physical bravery, but also with powerful words that crushed the morale of the enemies. After the battle of Uhud was over and the polytheists controlled the battlefield, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam and the Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum took refuge in a mountain pass. The polytheists could not see them, and in the calm that followed the battle, Abu Sufyan came forward and called out, Is Muhammad among the people? (What he was really asking was: Is Muhammad alive or dead? The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said to the Companions: Do not answer him. Abu Sufyaan then said, Is Ibn Abi Quhaafah (Abu Bakr) among the people? And again, the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said; Do not answer him. Abu Sufyaan then said, Is (Umar) Ibn Al Khattab among the people? When he received no reply, Abu Sufyaan assumed that they were not answering because they were dead, and so he said, Verily, these people have been killed, for had they been alive, they would have answered (me). This time, Umar was no longer able to control himself, so he said You have spoken a lie, O enemy of Allah! Allah has kept alive that which will bring about your humiliation (all of the people you mentioned are still alive and well). In response, Abu Sufyaan said Hubal (one of their idols), you have come out on top. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said to his Sahabah: Answer him. What should we say? they asked. He Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said: Say: Allah is higher, loftier, and greater. Abu Sufyaan responded, We have Al-Uzza (one of their idols), you have no Uzza. The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said to his Sahabah: Answer him. What should we say? they asked. He Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalaam said: Say: Allah is our Helper and Protector, and you have no Helper and Protector. Abu Sufyaan responded, Today for Badr: War is about winning one time and losing the next. And you will find mutilations (among your dead brothers), mutilations that I did not command but that I do not dislike or condemn. [According to one narration, Umar responded to Abu Sufyaans claim that they were on even terms since the Muslims won the Battle of Badr and the polytheists won the Battle of Uhud. Umar said, It is not equal: Our dead ones our in Paradise, and your dead ones are in the Hellfire.] It is also related that Abu Sufyaan then drew nearer to Umar and said, O Umar, I ask you by Allah, did we kill Muhammad? (He asked this because a polytheist soldier named Ibn Qamiah made this announcement during the battle: Verily, I have indeed killed Muhammad.) Umar said, No, and verily, he hears what you are saying right now. Abu Sufyaan then said. To me, you are more truthful and more trustworthy than Ibn Qamiah. _____ SubhanAllah. We all know that Umar was such a courageous person as like every Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum was but what makes him really stand out was his honesty that all of Arabia knew that when he spoke, he would only speak the truth, so even in the depths of war even the enemy would believe him, indeed he was Al Farooq. And we pray that Allah Azza Wa Jall enlightens every heart of a Muslim to become as honest as one should be just like Umar Ibn Al Khattab that when when confusion arises, our words would give value and clarification because of the credibility we have maintained. Amin.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 12:35:11 +0000

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