Today I was chatting with a woman who is interested in getting a - TopicsExpress


Today I was chatting with a woman who is interested in getting a clinical study going and I was going back through the page and copying some of the great stories yall have shared. Id love to add to these! Here are a few of them yall have shared over the past few months. Updates and additions are welcome! Page member Karla R shares an update, I just want to share with you that my son recently started riding his bike, I thought it was going to take forever for him to learn and it was going to be such a headache, but he surprised me because he learned really quick and he loves it,I couldnt be any happier!” Page member Christine B shares, Im using the CBD oil with the Reishi and it has made a huge difference in my son. My son does not have autism but does have issues focusing on certain tasks. It also helps to sharpen his memory and focus. I hope more parents use this.” Page member Tunde B shares an update about her 11 year old son (previously non verbal), He surprises me every day with something new. He said the other day while playing ball with him * good catch mom* I dropped the ball after that he said *spoke soon* I just hugged him and cried. She also shares that he was coming down with the flu the other day so she upped his dosage and he was better by the next day. She, however, came down with the flu and because she couldnt take the reishi (its hard to get where she lives), it took her days to get over the same flu.” Page member Christine B shares an update after her son didnt have his medicinal mushroom supplement for a few weeks, I just got my order in again after two and a half weeks. Very happy that even though my son was without it the benefits still continued.” Page member Estrella R shared an update, So wanted to give a update. My son is now hugging and is playing with cousin and other kids. His father was taking him a bath and he said the word what lol.” Page member Karla R shares: Hi, I Want to give an update, my mom is giving my brother reishi, well he has dyslexia and just today his teachers call her and told her that they were shocked at his progress in reading and how well he is doing in class. She said that progress started when she started reishi. She is so happy.” Page member Wendy P shares, My 13 year olds speech has been really great since starting 1 month ago. He has classic/moderate ASD. I am using this one with my 13 year old son, who has moderate level ASD. His teachers noticed a difference in his speaking in DAYS. We have been using it a month. Samantha K shares, My 10 yr. old continues to improve with his sensory issues! He has been doing so much better with being able to watch two math videos and also do several problems after that! Previously, one video was all he could handle! Also, he has never been able to write legibly due to his dysgraphia. The last week he has written in one of his workbooks and it is neat and all letters are the same size! Thats a big deal over here!!” Page member Melanie H shares, I feel like Reishi is helping my 11 year old son with focus in school. He is not autistic, nor does he have Aspergers, but he does have lots of challenges. Hes been taking 2 per day of the Natures Way brand for the last 3 weeks. Ive especially noticed the most improvement in math, which is the hardest subject for him in terms of needing to focus for a long time and writing a lot of work down. Im extremely grateful for Reishi and plan to continue!” Page member Sara B shares an update, I have an update My awesome non-verbal 6 year old, Cash is on day 4 natures way brand reishi. Ive been giving him only 1 tablet so far because I was worried about him getting diarrhea which thankfully has not happened. Already I see an improvement in focus and his mood seem to be more stable. He also spontaneously repeated the word mail after I said it. Thats pretty amazing!” Page member Karla R shares another happy update: Today I asked my sons teacher if she saw progress on him, and she said that yes, that he has been able to sit in circle time and pay attention, also he has been able to complete activities and accomplished them, also theyve notice his speech gain, and he is on his little underwear at school and no accidents. ♡♡” Update from page member Edith L, Hello, just an update. We noticed that our son is repeating a lot more words all the time and he looks more aware of his surroundings. I know is a tiny progress, but you know for parents like us even the tiniest progress means a huge progress. “ The following is an update from Samatha K. in Guam regarding her son (who is non-ASD but has struggled with other issues): So, Im going to post now because I have a few minutes and I dont want to forget! We started the Reishi about 12 days ago---the first thing I noticed within a few days was the clear look in my sons eyes! He usually squints and looks like hes frowning--he has not done that in about 9 days now! He also has only had about two fits in the last 9-12 days! Thats amazing!! He usually gets very upset about certain things and will run off screaming, hitting things, and slamming the door--or he will hide somewhere. No more!! He actually is doing what weve tried to get him to do for years--take some breaths and calm down and explain it to us! His brother made him upset yesterday and he took a few breaths and listened to us!! This is truly amazing to me! He also struggles with social anxiety which has been much worse due to our move about 6 months ago! He usually throws a fit--wont get out of the car, wont walk etc.. He wouldnt even go to his brothers soccer practice because he thought he would get laughed at for not playing---for the first time in 4 months he went to the practice and didnt even blink--acted like this was normal routine!!! Weve been wanting him to join gymnastics because he is very good and very flexible--again he was scared and didnt want to go etc...he has a friend there and even then he was not wanting to go--well, he decided to go and try--when we pulled up on the first day he took a few deep breaths and walked in no problems at all--he loves it and wants to continue!!! He also usually cannot stop something he has started--I have had no problem asking him to stop something lately--he is understanding that its ok and he can come back to it--this is huge also as normally it would be a huge fit etc...He also has severe dyslexia and while I know the Reishi wont cure it I believe because he is thinking clearer his reading is better--He is reading MUCH faster now---he still skips words or reads words that arent there etc...but I cannot believe how quickly he is reading--it used to drag on anyway, thats all I have time for I think I covered it all--ha! sorry for the long post but I wanted to let you know!! Thanks so much for posting about it!! Im so thankful!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 18:10:44 +0000

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