Today I was offered the chance to help a woman that was two - TopicsExpress


Today I was offered the chance to help a woman that was two children under 3 years old. She has been dealt an incredibly difficult hand in 2014, she lost her husband to heart failure a matter of months before the second child was born. This family has pushed through the challenges of 2014 to start 2015 off with a meeting of friends and family to just sit and remember the ones they have loved and lost... I was given the opportunity to help free of charge to give up one afternoon of my life to just supervise support and play with a group of 20 children under the age of 5.... I cant explain the feeling of just lending a hand to help such an amazing family with such a beautiful celebration. At the end as parents collected the children I sat and talked to this woman and heard her amazing story and I couldnt help but share the story of my mother. As she showed us a photo of her husband in a pair of wheres wally underpants over a pair of gypsy style Mc hammer pants I realized at times like these its the small things that you are grateful for when you remember the life of the ones that have gone to soon... At the end of this conversation the lady offered me the opportunity to join her family and send a message to the people of our choice by sending a bright red balloon off into the sky. Such a simple gesture but such a touching thing to do. To be involved with such an interment moment with somebody that I only met a matter of hours prior. I couldnt believe the feeling releasing a balloon in memory of my beautiful mother. I love you mum. I miss you. And I know you are having the best time where ever you are looking down on me smiling.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 07:45:58 +0000

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