Today, I was the only NO vote against SB 396 (DeLeon) the - TopicsExpress


Today, I was the only NO vote against SB 396 (DeLeon) the systematic dismantling of the rule of law as those who occupy the peoples house attempted to erase Prop 187, which was voted into law by the people of California to deny illegals benefits paid for by California citizens. By refusing to enforce existing law, our Govt is now complicit (with the Cartels) in trafficking children into our country, and is partly responsible for the deaths of those whove responded to the powerful incentives and embarked on the dangerous trek that includes death trains, scorching heat, and unimaginable abuses (rape, murder, etc). The discussion on the floor of the CA State Assembly was an embarrassment as member after member abrogated their duty to defend and uphold our Constitution, the foundation of which is the rule of law. There was one notable exception--Assemblyman Don Wagner, who waxed eloquent in defense of the rule of law. I fear our future is pictured below as millions upon millions more come here illegally, and far too many lives are lost in pursuit of what turns out to be a mirage. You can only abandon the foundation of a Republic at your peril; eventually it ceases to be a Republic. Godspeed
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 19:13:27 +0000

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