Today I weep. I havent been able to stop for 2 days. And honestly - TopicsExpress


Today I weep. I havent been able to stop for 2 days. And honestly I havent tried to stop myself. I, instead, embrace the profound pain I feel. This has been one of most difficult years of my life. I lost my grandfather, then 45 days later I lost my best friend. And that is painful enough. But the pain of see the country I love tare itself limb from limb has been the most excruciating. Seeing the people I love loose their humanity and cheer the massacre of Egyptians has been heart breaking. So I mourn the loss of my grand dad. I mourn the loss of Mahmoud. I mourn the loss of every person who died in pursuit of a better Egypt, whether I agree with them on what better looks like or not. I give myself permission to weep because the humanity that is the source of the tears is the same humanity that stood tall calling out lies, the same humanity that faced off with the brutality of police, and the same humanity that will be asked to stand tall again. Today I weep so that tomorrow I can continue to fight.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:06:17 +0000

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