Today I went to see my Family Doctor and friend, Paul Pavlov. - TopicsExpress


Today I went to see my Family Doctor and friend, Paul Pavlov. Sitting in the waiting room I realized how minor my problems were compared to many of the people in there. I more than once heard people tell others that they hated cigarettes and the awful maladies they had because of them. After a short wait, I was welcomed back to get my vitals. Overweight, yes, I know the cure for that. BP slightly high, but no need for medications( see above for cure). Waiting in the examining room, I relax checking Facebook and messages. In walks Paul, with his cheery smile hand shakes and hugs. Paul sits down in the chair next to me with his I-Pad and pulls up my file. He reviews his screen like two old buddies going over latest football scores. I already know the next series of questions. How is your lovely wife(Holly Salters) I tell him about the ongoing spider bite wound and how the stitches broke on Monday. Of course he already knew most of this story. Next he asks how my son, Benjamin Salters, is doing. I tell him he is doing fine his last year of school at William Carey and that he will be performing in the White Christmas that will be presented at the Mary C this December. He then asks how my step son is doing, of course I know he is talking about John Morano. I tell him about him spending his retirement on a 2014 Camaro and a boat. Spending it now just in case.... Cant blame him on that. But he knows all this,as well, since he sees all of us, because we trust our old friend with our lives. Thats just the way it is. He continues with his list including Joe Shimp, who missed the fire Friday night and Ronnie Seymour who I had promised to go to the next John Prine concert. We then reminisced about John Prine and some of if his more risqué songs which he thought suited me well! Paul liked them too! So, he asks, whats up with your knee? I explain to him about the occasional sharp pain I have in the right knee. He quickly diagnosis it as a strained or possible tear in my meniscus. Take Tylenol for any pain, and wait and see if it heals in time. Classic Paul using HeeHaw Logic, if it hurts when you do something, dont do that! Good advice! I explain about the other issue in the same leg a pain on the backside of the knee associated with bruising and pain in 2 locations including the calf. I tore a muscle strand. I have plenty more, bruising and pain already gone. Nice that your body can heal like that. Alright take off your shirt. He says and I oblige as I sit up on the exam table and Paul commences his bark of rapid fire instructions. Open your mouth, turn, cough, look up, exhale, inhale.... Okay, get down! I ask, Drop em? Your learning! Front side first, now backside, Paul always apologizes when he checks the back side! Such a gentleman! He offers a tissue. We sit back down side by side offering small talk as Paul proceeds through his checklist for prescription renewals and other items. How about a Flu shot? I was going to get it at CVS afterward but if he was giving them why not. Yep, both the exam and Flu shot are considered Preventative Care by the new Obamacare and are given at no charge or out of pocket expense. Thanks Obama!!! Paul shows me the latest device he bought for his CPAP that cleans it daily with a device that creates ozone to kill 99.9% of all bacteria. And it smells so fresh. Shows me the model he bought at Walgreens. We both have Sleep Apnea and wear our masks religiously. Why? Because one of our good friends Lewis Meaut had the same thing and he went to sleep one night and never woke up! And there were others, undiagnosed. You dont have to tell me twice and now I dont snore! Twy, Pauls long time nurse, comes in and finishes up with my blood work orders and administers my Flu Shot. Paul promises to come see Ben perform in December and reminds me to keep Morano in line. One day Paul will retire and I will have to see another doctor. They will have big shoes to fill and they will always be only second best.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 00:03:55 +0000

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