Today I will expand on “THE SPACE OF GRATITUDE”, as today is - TopicsExpress


Today I will expand on “THE SPACE OF GRATITUDE”, as today is Thanksgiving Weekend. First of all, get back to your Mamakaara you carry, the idea of “I” you carry. See, the idea of “I” you carry is surely not the truth; but that is the truth as on now. It is not THE truth, but it is the truth as on now. I See Stars GR, the patterns you carry, the ideas you carry about “I”........... (break in transmission on eNTV...........) When this understanding happens inside you, you will understand one truth: The whole thing, the whole thing is psychodrama. The idea that you are man, you are woman, you are son, you are daughter, even the idea you are my disciple, everything is psychodrama. Please understand, because you are sitting there, you are sitting there; because I am sitting here, I am sitting here; because you behave the way you behave, because I behave the way I behave. Please understand, because you are sitting there, you are sitting there; because I am sitting here, I am sitting here; because you behave the way you behave, because I behave the way I behave. There is no reason why you should be disciple, why I should be Guru; there is no reason why you should be listening, why I should be talking; there is no reason why you should be there, why I should be here. Please understand, when you understand the whole thing is a psychodrama – please listen, come to the space of listening, this is a very important sacred secret – when you understand the Mamakaara you carry, the identity you carry is neither the truth, but at this moment it is the truth, then you will understand every time the Mamakaara rides, as long as the action exists the Mamakaara rides and the Mamakaara exists; without Mamakaara there is no action. This will give you the clarity that everything, whether you think you are a good person or a bad person, sometimes good person and sometimes bad person, sometimes sick person and sometimes healthy person, sometimes having love and friendliness and sometimes not having it, sometimes joyful and sometimes filled with hatred, sometimes intelligent and sometimes dull, so many things you will be thinking about you, sometimes you will think you are intelligent and sometimes you will think you are dull, whatever you think is just psychodrama. Sometimes you will appreciate your own ideas, sometimes you will say ‘What a fool I am’. So, whether you appreciate your own ideas or you think ‘What a fool I am’, everything is just psychodrama, please understand. But you are afraid to see the truth that everything is psychodrama, because you are afraid that the whole thing will collapse! It is literally like if suddenly this building starts melting like wax, how will you feel? You will feel so insecure! That is exactly the way, because suddenly everything inside you and around you will start melting down if you feel everything is psychodrama. See, today morning when I was coming in the car, suddenly the idea clicked: It is so nice that so many devotees are able to come and have darshan. It is only one hour’s drive. So why not we have a Center in Bangalore City? Every morning I will come and give satsangh and darshan in Bangalore City. It is only a one-hour extra work for me, because I am not a guy who sleeps. Sleep and food have no power over me. It has zero power over me. The idea that “at this time I want this food” or “at this time I have to sleep”, these have no power over me. Especially when it comes to the work of the Sangha, nothing has power over me. So, I started appreciating the whole idea. This is one idea. Then I looked into the next side. One moment I was appreciating this idea, the next moment I was thinking, ‘Will the ashramites be able to come? They will have to do morning akhada and so many other things!’ One moment I was appreciating this idea, the next moment all these practicalities. So, I can say, please listen, if you can see without acceptance or resistance whatever is happening in you, that is what I call “realizing it is all psychodrama”. Then, finally, I decided, ‘Alright, I will ask the Sangha to decide the practicalities.’ “Sangha” means, all the devotees and Dhyanapeetam, all the Sannyasis, all of you sit and decide and come to a compromise. May be, if you have a place there and if you have a place here..... See, we have a property in Bangalore. We have, I think, two properties in Bangalore. Of course, every day I am not able to come to a devotee’s house and every day you will not be able to do so much decoration! I know, last three days you would have done all this! But if we have an ashram here, more and more people will be able to have physical darshan, blessings. May be, both the teams, if both you guys sit together and work, we may be able to come up with some conclusion on how to use my time better. See, I want you all to understand these few things. When you look at the thoughts without acceptance and without resistance, you will realize the whole thing is psychodrama. If you realize your eating patterns and sleeping patterns don’t have any power over you, that itself is a realization that both these patterns are also psychodrama. For example, put yourself in the situation where I am. Like, morning one hour extra work if you have to do, what all resistance you will have, tell me! How many of you will think you will surely have resistance related to your personal life – either food or sleep? Raise your hand! (People raise their hands). That is why you don’t realize your lifestyle and thinking........... See, anything which comes from your Mamakaara is a psychodrama. What I am talking is one of the highest truths of Advaitha. I know I am introducing too big a principle, but this cognition can liberate you from the restrictive mentality. See, in this whole what happened inside me, I neither decided for nor decided against, but I am very clear I don’t have any reason to stop it and I don’t have any reason to make it. Now I am only going to ask the others’ convenience. I tell you, this is the best space to exist in every situation of life. If you see others’ convenience, you are living Enriching, you are living Gratitude. So, these two days, the Thanksgiving Weekend, internalize just these two ideas.....just these two ideas. Anyway, tomorrow there is satsangh. We made the whole travel in such a way that I don’t miss satsangh. Tomorrow there will be satsangh. I will continue to expand deeper on just these two ideas. The first idea: Anything comes inside you, whether the ideas that you are good, you are great, or the ideas you are a fool, you are wrong, or the ideas you are sick, you are healthy, anything – like today I gave you one small example of what was happening inside me when I was travelling – anything, don’t accept, don’t resist. Start looking at the whole thing without acceptance or resistance from your patterns from your side. I tell you, suddenly you will realize that everything is psychodrama, everything is psychodrama! I can give you one more example. Sometimes you will see in your life your friends, family, neighbours failing in business. You start building a fear, ‘Who knows, I may also fail! Who knows, this may happen to me!’ But you console yourself, ‘No, no, no, not for me.’ Or you see some families collapsing, divorce or some untoward incidents like accident or death. You start building a space. Or even the positive angle – somebody gets a lottery or successfully achieves something. You start building either greed for that success, or resistance, fear for the failure. But, actually, when that happens in your life unexpectedly, whether that negative thing or positive thing, suddenly you will see that both don’t have that big an impact as you were imagining. See, before that failure happens, you mother so much fear, like a hen mothering the egg, ‘Oh, if that happens, then what? Better let me have poison to kill myself, or a rope to hang myself.’ Or, ‘If this happens, if success happens, I will take a vehicle and go around Bangalore declaring my victory! In that vehicle itself I will have music and dance!’ But when that actually happens, it does not have that much of an impact on your system as you imagined. So, please understand, you go on building psychodrama. Neither your failures are that big failures, nor your successes are that big a success. It is the psychodrama that you create over the success or failure that has an impact on you, not the actual happening. Now, I am going to break the next psychodrama. The moment I said I am going to start giving everyday satsangh in Bangalore, the clapping and faces lit up....everything! No, but understand, after two months what happens? ‘Oh, Swamiji comes every day.....what is there? On weekend we can go and have darshan. And it will be nice if the Center is near my house!’ Now how many of you are sure this is going to be the conversation inside you after two months? That’s it! But I am not resisting this kind of slackness which may happen inside you. I am not resisting it. And, at the same time, I am not supporting it, I am not encouraging it, this mental setup. You all know the great seeker, Paul Brunton. A very honest, integrated westerner towards spirituality and Hindu tradition. Paul Brunton, a great devotee of Ramana Maharshi and Kanchi Paramacharya, after his third visit to Ramana Ashram, he goes and asks Bhagawan, ‘I don’t want to go to the West. I just want to stay back and live here. This Arunachala is so heavenly!’ Bhagawan just laughs at him and says, ‘Stay here for a few days. All these ideas about heaven will settle down.’ You cannot imagine this coming from Bhagawan who used to say, ‘This hill is not separate from me! I am this hill and this hill is me!’ and who did not leave the breathing space of the hill, from the moment he entered the breathing space of the hill, not once he left the boundary of the hill, you cannot imagine he can make this comment! It is almost like an unexpected shock from the masters. It is like there are some shockers in some great masters’ lives which you will never expect they uttered or which you don’t want to believe they uttered. Once one guy goes to Ramakrishna and..... If you read Ramakrishna’s biography, there is one Girish Chandra Bose who was a drunkard, womanizer, what not. He goes to Bhagawan and asks, (break in eNTV transmission.......) Understanding the reality is neither for nor against, understanding this whole thing is psychodrama, gives you the clarity, gives you the experience. I tell you, that experience gives you the clarity to make any decision based on others. Today exactly what happened in me! One idea comes. Mokshapriyan sent a message, ‘Many devotees have gathered and many we are expecting...’, and immediately the idea, ‘Oh, God! What a nice thing! All these people will be able to see me. Surely they will be happy at least they can have my blessings, one touch.’ And next idea, ‘What stops this happening every day? Nothing! Because I don’t have a problem waking up one hour early! And, after all, we have a property in Bangalore. We have a property, I think, around 10,000 sq ft. Thousands will have darshan every day. What stops it?’ So, from my side there is no resistance and there is no acceptance. I am neither jumping into it, saying, ‘Wow! Yes, yes, yes, it will be great! Thousands and thousands will be coming.’ No! After two months it will be only the same people. But, at least, those same people, few will be extra. So, neither I am supporting nor resisting. Then I thought, ‘Alright, let us ask the people who are involved, their convenience.’ So, the decision is now going to be taken based on the others’ convenience. I tell you, taking the decisions always based on others’ convenience is “living in gratitude”. That is the definition of “living in gratitude”. That is the meaning of “Enriching”. All actions, without involving your acceptance or resistance is “Enriching”. That is the definition of “Gratitude”. In every small decision, neither your resistance nor your acceptance should be participating. Understand, this I am giving you as a very small example. You will have to apply them in your life in every situation. Say very clearly to yourself, ‘In every decision I will not allow my resistance or my acceptance or my fear or my favouritism to be the decision-making authority. I will always see to it the interested parties.....’ See, in any decision, not only we are the interested party, but there will be some other people who are also the interested party. ‘So, I will always put that as the first priority.’ That is “Enriching”. I think I have given a most practical, most straightforward, most powerful definition of “Enriching”. Because it is a new idea, all of you will jump on it. One will say, ‘I will put up a pillar for the building.’ Another will say, ‘I will put the roof for the building.’ ‘I will put the speaker for the building.’ Because, it is a new idea, everybody will jump on it. But after six months, if it is back to the same thirty people or sixty people who come and sit in Bidadi Ashram, I have no problem. Because, I neither have resisted it nor I have favoured it. So, I only see the stakeholders’ interests, who are all the stakeholders, their interest. Because it is the stakeholders’ interest, neither I fear nor I favour. I have no problem whether it succeeds, takes off, or it fails. It can take off. It can take off. Suddenly thousands of people will come and attend the satsangh in Bangalore every day! It may take off! And I am holding the space for it to take off. There is every possibility. Because Bangalore is an English-speaking city, there is every possibility that thousands will start flowing in and thousands will benefit. Then, naturally, the decision will be to continue it, because the stakeholders’ want it. Then, even if there is an Inner Awakening in Bangalore, even if there is an Inner Awakening in the ashram, it is only one hour’s drive. There is no “for” or “against” from my side. See, actually, I have done a post-mortem report of what happened in me. I have opened it and presented it to all of you, for you to learn the lesson from this, how without fearing or favouring, decisions can be made in your life. So, whether it is a success or failure, you will not be affected. This way you will not become tired. I tell you, I have made thousands of decisions. Many have become successful and many have failed. It is not that all my decisions have become successful. Many succeeded, many failed. But never any decision could fail me! Because, it was always based on the stakeholders’ interests. It was always based on “Life is for others”. It was always based on decision of Enriching. If more are getting enriched, say “Yes” to it. If the stakeholders’ are not interested, leave it. I tell you, this is the best form of existence. This is what Ramana Maharshi calls “Aham Spurana”. Ramakrishna calls it “The space of devotee – surrender”. Osho calls it “The empty boat in the river”. I call it as “Ananda Gandha”. All these different titles – what Ramakrishna calls “Space of a devotee – surrender”, what Ramana Maharshi calls “Aham Spurana”, what Osho calls “Empty boat in the river” or the “leaf floating in the breeze”, I call it “Ananda Gandha”, “Operating from the Space of Completion” – all these are one and the same. Always tell yourself, ‘I will vote neither against nor for the happenings. I will put the stakeholders’ interest as the first priority. In every decision, at least a few people will be involved. It is not that only you will be involved. So, I will put the stakeholders’ interest as first priority and I will see to it I will throw myself into the decision completely without fear or favour.’ This is the definition of “Enriching”. Please understand, as I was telling, sometimes masters give a shock. As I said, Ramakrishna telling Girish Chandra Bose, ‘It is okay. Do whatever you want’, it is a shock! Same way, Osho telling, ‘No! Be a celibate. Control yourself completely’, it is a shock! And Ramana Maharshi telling, ‘Be here for two days. All these ideas about heaven will settle down’, about Arunachala, it is a shock! It is almost like me telling somebody, ‘Completion is useless. Don’t bother. Staring at the mirror is nothing but preparation to do facial tomorrow! Completion is useless. Leave it.’ It will be a shocker! Please understand, I am not making this statement, be very clear! HAHAHAHAHAHA...! But, if I tell this, it is equivalent to Ramana Maharshi saying, ‘In two days, everything will be alright.’ Understand, masters making shocking statements. Here what I am saying, it may be a little bit shocking for you, but this is the truth! This is the truth! When you make a statement, ‘Why you are sitting there? Why I should sit here?’, there is no reason actually. May be one word I can say, I have understood it is psychodrama, you have not understood it is psychodrama. That’s all! Because you have not understood, you are punished, made to sit there. Because I have understood, I am sitting here; that’s all! It is like a punishment why you did not understand. So, no decision should be made with your direct fear or favour involvement. I think this is the most powerful, precise definition I have given on “Enriching” and “Gratitude”. Please understand, gratitude comes from the depth of your personality. It is not the smile you carry in your lips many times for social reasons. No! Gratitude is the emotion which comes from the depths of your being with the tremendous understanding that life is psychodrama. As I said, let all your decisions not be interrupted by fear or favour. (break in eNTV transmission.......) So now, the responsibility falls on Bangalore Sangha. Either you guys have to plan to build the Uttarahalli property, or you guys if you look around, you can get any one temple in Bangalore. Bangalore is filled with so many temples. Any one temple, either they donate the temple to us, or we have a MoU with them that permanently we will build a hall and use it for our satsangh. We have been donated a temple in Srinivasanagar. They were expecting us to build up and use it. One lawyer-devotee Sridhara Murthy was involved in it. (break in eNTV transmission.......) We can have an MoU. We will build the hall and maintain that place for our activities. So you guys can have that option. I don’t have a problem, because I have a caravan now, even my sleep will not be disturbed. So you don’t need to be worried about that. I can even come late in the night once all the ashram activities are over. 11 o’clock or 12 o’clock I can come in the caravan and sleep here. And morning we will get up and we can have the regular Pada Puja and satsangh and everything. And Suvarna channel is going to do live relay of our satsangh every day! From January 1st they will be doing! See, Suvarna News is going to be doing a positive program about us. That is separate. This Suvarna is separate. See, this Suvarna is going to do morning satsangh live, and they have requested us to do every day a reality show in the evening 9 to 10 like Thanthi TV Nithya Dharmam, in the same way in Kannada. See, Thanthi TV it is only on a week end, Saturday. But this Suvarna it is going to be every day. And we are not paying anything; they are paying! Means, they are spending and they are doing the program! They said, ‘People are able only to make controversy out of Swamiji’s character which cannot be verified. But anything which is verifiable, it is always authentic. Nobody is able to question his intelligence, or his teachings or his healing. Only which cannot be verified, it will go on creating doubt.’ It is the report from them. They have sent a report and they have requested, and that agreement is done. So, may be, we can expect from January 1st. So, now it is up to you guys (Bangalore Sangha) what you want to do. You guys want to build a temple, or.....? You guys have to discuss and come back. I also give my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to everyone of you for sharing the bliss I am holding by being a devotee or a disciple or a Sannyasi or a Samaji. Whatever way, if you are part of me, be very clear, not only you are enjoying me, I am also enjoying you. So, with this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda! Thank you! Gratitude MAHesh .. NIThyananda SAtsang .. BLIss to the EArz LOVe the MAsterz ability from this BEing!!! HIt the NAIl on the HEad .. ODe to the PSychodrAMa NO more
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 21:28:20 +0000

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