Today I will turn to you and to no one and nothing else for love, - TopicsExpress


Today I will turn to you and to no one and nothing else for love, acceptance, purpose, and a sense of belonging and significance. Human beings have come a long way . . . in the wrong direction . . . since Eden. There in the garden, Adam and Eve were fully known and fully loved by their Creator. They could walk and talk with God, eagerly listening for and easily hearing his voice. The Lord was with them, as ever-present as the wind, and they basked and blossomed in his presence. With their rebellion, Adam and Eve lost their innocence; they lost their intimate relationship with God and with each other. God’s love for human beings did not fall, though. God has not changed at all. Our ability to receive his love has been damaged, but not one ounce of God’s love for us has diminished. Everything that you and I are looking for in this life—acceptance, belonging, love, significance, purpose—can be found in the arms of our heavenly Father. The challenge is finding our way back to him. Key to that is setting our fixed gaze on God our Father. With our eyes on him and our heart open to receiving his love, we will grow in our confidence that—whatever pain and heartache happen in life—God himself will always be with us, Jesus will walk beside us, and the Holy Spirit will bring comfort and strength. It is a glorious thing to be loved like that. So may you hold on tightly to God and only to him. You don’t have to take one more step or cry one more tear alone. You don’t have to face one more decision or one more day of sickness alone. You are loved, and you are never alone.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 18:24:37 +0000

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