Today I wish the quiet life upon you. Some ideas: - Create a - TopicsExpress


Today I wish the quiet life upon you. Some ideas: - Create a little quiet space in the morning. - Meditate for 2 minutes a day (to start with). Just sit and put your attention on your breath, returning when your thoughts distract you. - When you feel the urge to socialize online, pause. Give yourself a little quiet instead. - When you feel the automatic urge to say Yes to an invitation, consider saying No instead, unless it’s something that will truly enrich your life. - Don’t take music on a run or walk. Instead, give yourself space with your thoughts. - When someone talks to you, instead of jumping in with something about yourself, just listen. Absorb. Reflect their thoughts back to them. Appreciate their beauty. Make time for the people closest to you. One-on-one time is best. Really pay attention to them. - Make time for creating, with no distractions. - Spend some time decluttering, and creating peaceful space. - Create space between your automatic reaction, and your actions (or words). Even one second is enough. In that space, consider whether your reaction is appropriate. - Instead of rushing, take a breath, and slow down. - Pay attention to sensations of whatever you’re eating, drinking, doing. - Have a daily time for reflection. You don’t have to do all of these, and certainly not all at once. A slow, happy progression is best.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 05:44:21 +0000

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