Today Im officially closing MY campaign period which I opened on - TopicsExpress


Today Im officially closing MY campaign period which I opened on 16th May 2014. I put up my campaign materials for the period i.e my profile pic and my cover page. I OFFICIALLY declared my support of the then President of the DPP now Head of State; His Excellency Prof A. Peter Mutharika. I have been very lucky as many others have been that our endorsed Candidate won. That Our party Won. Im grateful to God. Sorry to those whose candidates lost. It cant be easy. Its the first time in my whole life that I have categorically routed for a candidate or a party. You see I got tired of fence-sitting and I thought its time to think through who I want to support and declare that support. I settled on the DPP candidate because as I have said before: to me he has his heart in the right place- Malawi and he has an unusually sharp mind which I admire. I said it then and I say it now- it is exactly the same. I wish him well and may God guide him with such a difficult task. Now; during the campaign I saw for myself why a lot of people particularly women dont declare political affiliation. Declaring ones political affiliation is like diving into the deep. Rolling in the mud. Going into the gutter. You get serious daggers thrown at you and for women the daggers hinge on your personal life and insinuations of intentions which are not political in nature but personal. All of which is not right nor is it true. I quickly learnt how to stay in the front line whilst dodging the bullets. However I realised that its difficult for women and men to learn that skill which Im calling: VISIBLE BUT SLIPPERY. A lack of this skill can make many women retreat and stay in the shadows. I was lucky that the ascension of PP to power and due to my not so joyous engagements with Joyce Banda I faced soo many insults from her para-troopers which even hinged on my parents. TO THIS DAY I HAVE NO MOUTH WITH WHICH TO SPEAK ABOUT WHAT I FACED THEN. It was hurtful. BUT IT MADE ME TOUGHER. So therefore the insults and innuendos hurled at me during the past 2 weeks did NOTHING to me. I SUPPORTED THE CANDIDATURE OF PETER MUTHARIKA because I love my country FULLSTOP. I believe he is the best person for the job. But time will tell all of us. So no stress. Be cool calm and collected. When all is said and done Im more prouder a Malawian than I was before May 20 2014. The resilience, tenacity and patience of our people despite provocation from some quarters; humbled me. The people of Malawi kept the faith and held tight. I come from and live in the best country in the world, not just because of its beauty but because of its people. You are all my heroes. I-LOVE-YOU. God bless Malawi.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:52:56 +0000

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