Today In History: Major Gideon Orkars Coup. 24 Years - TopicsExpress


Today In History: Major Gideon Orkars Coup. 24 Years now. After Major Gideon Orkar Coup Speech In April 1990. Though it is 24 years now but fresh in my memory. Orkar saw our problems and he fashioned out a lasting solution but he was too fast in letting the cat out of the bag. ORKAR state that, The third reason for the change is the need to lay a strong egalitarian foundation for the real democratic take off of the Nigerian state or states as the circumstances may dictate. In the light of all the above and in recognition of the negativeness of the aforementioned aristocratic factor, the overall progress of the Nigerian state a temporary decision to excise the following states namely, Sokoto, Borno, Katsina, Kano and Bauchi states from the Federal Republic of Nigeria comes into effect immediately until the following conditions are met. The conditions to be met to necessitate the re-absorption of the aforementioned states are as following: (I) To install the rightful heir to the Sultanate, Alhaji Maccido, who is the peoples choice. (ii) To send a delegation led by the real and recognised Sultan Alhaji Maccido to the federal government to vouch that the feudalistic and aristocratic quest for domination and operation will be a thing of the past and will never be practised in any part of the Nigeria state. By the same token, all citizens of the five states already mentioned are temporarily suspended from all public and private offices in Middle Belt and southern parts of this country until the mentioned conditions above are met. They are also required to move back to their various states within one week from today. They will, however, be allowed to return and joint the Federal Republic of Nigeria when the stipulated conditions are met. In the same vein, all citizens of the Middle Belt and the south are required to come back to their various states pending when the so-called all-in-all Nigerians meet the conditions that will ensure a united Nigeria. A word is enough for the wise. This exercise will not be complete without purging corrupt public officials and recovering their ill-gotten wealth, since the days of the oil boom till date. Even in these hard times, when Nigerians are dying from hunger, trekking many miles to work for lack of transportation, a few other Nigerians with complete impunity are living in unbelievable affluence both inside and outside the country. We are extremely determined to recover all ill-gotten wealth back to the public treasury for the use of the masses of our people. You are all advised to remain calm, as there is no cause for alarm. We are fully in control of the situation as directed by God. All airports, seaports and borders are closed forthwith. This would have being the best move. Lord send us another Orkar.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 05:58:38 +0000

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