Today Is Ed in Gaza A Very Happy Ed with Tears and Pouring Bloods - TopicsExpress


Today Is Ed in Gaza A Very Happy Ed with Tears and Pouring Bloods of Gaza To The World Let me inform you first about the latest updates again; according to the reports provided by the Gaza health ministry and other local sources, The death toll of Palestinian martyrs crossed over 1100 after the fresh Israeli strikes on Gaza and retrieval of dozens of Palestinian bodies during the 12 hours Pause. With the resumed Israeli army bombardment, more than one thousand people have been killed.They struck at least 10000 homes in the Gaza Strip, taking the figure of injured Palestinians in the besieged enclave to more than 6000 so far. Beside that 450 hoses have been completely damaged, while 400 homes damaged partially. 200 schools, 57 mosques and dozens of public places, where helpless and homeless Palestinian had taken shelter to protect themselves and their women and children. Hundreds of Palestinians poured into the streets in the minutes after the truce took force, walking from refuges to inspect the damages to their homes from the Israeli assaults. It created a wave of pain, agony, shock and grief among them. Today is Ed in Gaza. Ed al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan with all its blessings (البركات) and it is, as we know one of the most important holidays in the Muslim calendar, Ed always comes with joy and happiness but this Ed has come as the Ed of pain, agonies and shocks for the people of Gaza, For them this is the Ed of deaths and injuries, this is the Ed of destruction and demolition, and this is an Ed of tears and bloods ,which appeared for the Muslims of the world with dozens new orphans and widows. Who will protect them and who will give them the real happiness and joyfulness? I don’t know the answer of these questions but I can never forget the following words of one of my Palestinian brothers and sisters: ( Mohmoud Awad-one of the friends of Palestinian martyr-Mohammad Al Araj says:) We welcomed Ramadan with martyrs, and here we are bidding it goodbye with more orphans and widows, My hear crying; How should I say Happy Ed to the people of Gaza? ................My Heart Said Something In Gaza everything is being destroyed, the death toll is rising at every moment, Thousands of residential buildings have been demolished, Mosques and churches are being bombed down very frequently, Thousands of injured Palestinians are crying for treatment. Helpless people are roaming this pole and that pole to protect their lives, but very unfortunately they fail to save them and their families. Women and children are crying with tearful eyes and torn hearts everywhere in Gaza. They are being sunk very rapidly to the pitch of brutality, terrorism and Zionist barbarity. Who will come forward to save these victims of Israeli inhumanity? Humanity is dying in Gaza, how can one wait for further negative and fatal consequences????? This horrible condition is enough to make us sleepless; but we people are busy in picking breaking news and posting them for the groups and for our personal pages. Is that enough??, nothing else is required ???. My friends the world knows every big and small development and every bloody Israeli strike on unarmed Palestinians. Yes and no doubt that there is no one who is supposed to be unaware about all genocidal crimes and Satanic acts of Israel against Palestinians in Gaza, but all nations and their leaders have been made handicapped by Israel; That is the root of the tragedy, and that is the main problem, which needs our strong concern. ... .Come on and do something which can change the equations and which can force the international criminal to change their way. Let us say something more clearly to our national Governments Let us do something more for Palestine.This is an important occasion and a turning point in Arab and world history . it is not a time to stay silent for those who never hesitate to stand with oppressed people and who never be frightened to resist against the evil and oppressors in this world .At this crucial juncture our demands from the nations of the world, especially Muslim countries, should be as follows: 1- Let the UN disapprove Israel as a state. 2- Let the Israel be removed from the world map 3- Let the peace keeping force containing at least 60% Arab Muslim - Christian soldiers be deployed in Jerusalem to control Evil Israel 4- If Turkey, Iran and other supporters of Palestine are not going to attack on Israel to stop it from further crimes against humanity Then we should give them this message: please dont talk non sense. Because Gaza needs their help in the battle field of Palestine against oppressor Israel, not in the form of statements aired by TV channels or broadcasted by world radios 5- We should even move to remove our governments, especially Arab dynasties, if they don’t knee down before our demands in favour of Palestine. 6- Let us march towards Gaza from all corners of the world to defeat the enemies of humanity named as Israel and to end their existence in the Middle East. 7- Hamas should reject every truce effort which make US a part of it, because US, , as the famous American Jewish scholar- Nom Chomsky described in his recent statement, is main responsible, for all Israeli atrocities on Palestinians. Hamas must enlist US as a terrorist state encountering her declaration which considers Hamas a “terrorist” Movement. My Friends! Please don’t forget that we are the People Power and we are the original deciding factors, and everything in this world is for us, if we have the real will in our hearts we can change the world and make it a Zionist free world or as a Hamas run Big Gaza. For the sake of justice and truth, even we can topple down our dynasties and elected governments if they do not go with justice and if they are silent on intolerable Zionist crimes and Israeli genocides against oppressed people of Palestine. From Egypt to Saudi Arabia every government should be responsible for the protection of the helpless Palestinians. All those Muslim rulers, who kept them silent on this issue we must take them as the supporters of Zionist criminals. Gaza is waiting for their help and practical support let us see which way they prefer to go- Israel’s way or Gaza way??? I believe that If we have the will for change, we can change the worlds present form forever. Indeed we are able to make it a Zionist free world or a Big Hamas Run Gaza . May Allah help us in this great mission?). Again I ask you, O People of the world and O people of the Muslim world “My heart is crying; how should I say ‘Happy Ed’ to the people of Gaza”? Since it is a part of the prayer therefore I still wish you my brothers and sisters in Gaza a very Happy Ed- an Ed which may come with new ray of hope and victory for you, an Ed which may end all agonies and genocides you are facing from evil Israel- an Ed which may END the existence of Illegal Israel in Palestine and the Middle East-an Ed which may wipe out Israel from the world map- an Ed which may remind Muslim rulers their duty to Protect Gazan and Palestinian people and to free
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 21:44:21 +0000

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