Today Is Thursday, January 16, 2014...... Denny - TopicsExpress


Today Is Thursday, January 16, 2014...... Denny Cormier Options for this story From Haaretz comes the warning that another countdown to an Israeli operation in Gaza has begun. Inshallah, it will not begin - but if Israel is now planning such an operation, lets just name it now- maybe something like Operation Collective Punishment because that has been its strategy for years irregardless of international law. Israel acts outside the law, nest-ce pas. Or lets call it Operation Collateral Damage, because despite the protestations, theyve always been out to terrorize the civilian population with absolute pinpoint accuracy every time..... its true, check out their civilian kill rate and damage rate in Operation Cast Lead and Operation Pillar of Cloud. Or how about Operation Mow the Lawn. Or Operation Dump the Reservoir. Or Operation Video Games because it will be a drone war with soldiers safely tucked away behind the borders, the same drone war that plays out night after night after night over Gaza and in the nightmares of Gaza children. And we might just name it Operation Star Spangled Banner because every damn cent spent on that Operation will be coming directly to you courtesy of the USA. I dont want another Gaza operation where Israel uses a few hapless rocket attempts as an excuse to terrorize or pulverize or sanitize or victimize my friends there, We have seen too much of the rape of Palestine to want to see it played out again in living color. I dont want to see another Gaza operation period. But there is going to be a difference this time if Israel moves too irresponsibly and awkwardly - and Israel best be ready for it. This is the time when thousands of voices will be called upon to defend Gaza with every technological tool at their disposal. Desktops and laptops and tablets and iPads and smartphones will be called up for active duty..... Every assault, every murder, every bombing of a hospital or bombing of a holy place or bombing of a civilian home - every atrocity is going to be plastered all over the internet for the international community to see in real time..... we promised to bust some balls in 2014, and we were not just making empty promises.... there will be thousands of messages that are directed at the media, directed at millions of people..... round the clock tweets and emails and phone calls..... and every atrocity will become a matter for history...... a matter for the International Criminal Court..... a round the clock information barrage to the international media..... it can be done..... it will be done. I am not trying to be provocative or inflame an already obvious excuse for a reign of terror, and trust me, I have too many friends in Gaza to want to see a war further decimate their cities and their dreams..... or their lives. But should Israel be so stupid as to launch an attack, they best be prepared for Operation 1000 Voices. Personally I will be working overtime.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 05:01:07 +0000

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