Today Ive had a breakthrough around something important. Ive - TopicsExpress


Today Ive had a breakthrough around something important. Ive always loved business and wanted to make loads of money. As I became a healer, I realised my purpose was to serve humanity. In my mind, I had always put them into separate boxes. Two opposite ends of the scale. Either I serve or I be an entrepreneur. Its been an inner conflict for the last few years. Today I realised that my love of money came from a decision I made as a young child when my parents split. I lived with my sister and Mother and we didnt have a lot of money. This made me feel not good enough compared to my friends at school who seemed to have a lot of money at the time and live in nice big houses etc. So I decided that I would make a lot of money when I grew up. This formed part of my egos desire for money which is about taking. During the past 2 years, Ive had many moments where I realised that my purpose on the planet is to serve. There is no better feeling than finishing a Life Mastery Seminar having shared every thing I can to help my attendees create better lives. This to me taught me how to serve; it taught me the energy of what it feels like to give; to be of service. Funnily enough, as soon as I started doing that, the money flowed in, big time. More than it has ever in my entire life. It was amazing and it felt so good but I still had an inner conflict as my ego would slip into, I want to make money programming. So today during a beautiful chat with a mentor, I was able to see where this ego programming around money had come from. Since seeing that, it no longer has any power over me. I still desire to manifest material and financial abundance and just know that I will continue to do so however there is no underlying driver for it through my actions. This was where Ive been out of integrity in my business. My daily question and focus is now, How can I serve/how can I give?. I know that by following this pathway and this energy, all that I desire will come to me and more and THIS is what true abundance is. Ive experienced this in the last 2 years and so now that Ive come into this space even more, I am excited to see how my life will unfold from this space. So to anyone who may have been on the other end of my unconsciousness in this area, I apologise and hope you can forgive me. And I look forward to being of service to all of you in the best possible way moving forward. I AM source - I already have all my needs met and therefore my love/abundance is overflowing. Thank you to the ones in the last 24 hours that have contributed to helping me see this. This is such a breakthrough!
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 06:19:32 +0000

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