Today My Heart Bleeds in Amazement and Horror, August 28, - TopicsExpress


Today My Heart Bleeds in Amazement and Horror, August 28, 2013 Today I learned of an ongoing, seemingly unstoppable catastrophe that has forever changed our world. I like to keep track of natural weather-related events because I am a curious and optimistic prophet of doom. Science has always enthralled me, deciding at age six to become an astronaut as I watched live on our tiny black and white TV. Neil Armstrong’s historic step. I didn’t go to space, but that first thrill hooked me on science of all kinds, especially the explosion of technology and new physics. I became convinced by 1979 that the earth had been warming since the advent of electricity and combustion engines, and scientists dutifully confirmed this, and have continued to warn us ever since, with ever increasing urgency.. If you will recall, concern about our dependence on foreign oil and Jimmy Carter himself told us that we had to wean off fossil fuels as soon as possible, hence the 55 m.p.h. speed limit and early studies of alternatives. I really liked Jimmy Carter, he was ahead of his time on energy concerns and pollution, and a great farmer. He didn’t understand the game, but he put it all in there. I saw this coming then, but after Carter things got hazy and less commonly reported in the mainstream media. I knew everything that was going on because I was a science junkie. Thirteen years ago I finally looked around me carefully at the science community, by then through the amazing and almost unbelievable Internet, and started to worry. Al Gore, who surely would be President, calmed me down some, because he was also a science junkie and knew about the elephant in the world. Didn’t happen, and that’s when we as a nation went to hell at full speed. Finally, my obsession about this problem and the shape of humanity in general got me depressed enough to take it upon myself to solve it. I know that may sound offhanded, superior, or somehow easy, and the technology and science component of the problem really was very easy and obvious. I had to do more than business-as-usual to really make this work. I had to somehow cause a change in human society, redraw attention to the reality of our existence, and combat the clinging ills we can’t seem to quit, chiefly poverty, inequality, human rights, and war. My three year attempt and final product is humanly possible, easily understood, and as a bonus requires the elimination of militaries as a down-payment. I believe this attempt landed me in San Francisco, where I met Former Vice President Al Gore, as a trainee for his Climate Reality Project. I had the plan that could work as a solution. We talked briefly, and he assured me that he would check it out. It was a hand-written web address on a paper napkin. That was last year, and I haven’t heard from him. Today when I read of the news and finally saw the N.A.S.A satellite montage compiled over the last year and a half, I knew what it meant. Almost anyone who views this video can easily see the radiation spread like the web of a deadly spider, a dark stain that will soon irradiate the worlds largest and deepest ocean, and begin to spread throughout the atmosphere and fall as deadly rain on lands and seas, eventually detectable within every human being on the planet. I somehow missed the significance of the broken and leaking reactor, but it is now clear that the U.S..and Japanese authorities have known about this and have watched this happen from our satellites and detectors that we maintain. Not a word from the mainstream press so far, or a mention from Obama. The destruction of our greatest and deepest ocean is surely deserving of at least a heartfelt goodbye. Goodbye, and we’re sorry. It is still beyond our technology to put this genie back in its bottle. We made horrible decisions and knowingly built this near you, our precious ocean and mother to us all. We allowed individual human beings free reign to pursue profit at your expense, knowing the risks. There is little time left for you. To all of your splendor, grandeur, beauty, and all who dwell within you, please accept our sincere apology. Goodbye. Goodbye.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 00:03:19 +0000

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