Today REALLY felt like Spring break! Last night, we were both - TopicsExpress


Today REALLY felt like Spring break! Last night, we were both sound asleep by 8. We both slept in...and, for the FIRST DAY IN OVER A MONTH, no panic about blood sugar levels and fever (both were out of sorts yesterday), shaking, falling, medications, or all the other stuff that has been going on. And, while we both know everything inside is still not right, it felt good to just breathe and relax. After a very late breakfast, Randy took a short nap and I went over some of the bills that had started coming in. Ive NEVER paid head just doesnt think that way...but Im learning...I got through this stack in record time. Each time I looked at one and wrote out a check to pay it, I had to say, Thank you, Lord, for knowing what type of insurance we would need for this stage of life. Just the February bill for the rental on the Wound Vac was over $2,000 (yep yep yep and ALL of March still to come). So, you cant imagine how thrilled I was to see our part was only $210! Another bill that started out at $1,950 showed the amount due as $10--PRAISE THE LORD! I got a call from the Blue Cross Nurse/caseworker who was checking on this weeks progress. I was quickly able to give her an update--my system for recording blood sugar, temp, and blood pressure was FINALLY working. It made me feel good to say, Other than waiting for more from UAB, were OK. And I meant that...REALLY! By 1:00, Randy asked me to drive him over to the Power Company. Still in his pajama bottoms, we walked out to the car. Its been hard for him not driving, but even worse is him not working. Hes worked all of his life...and at Alabama Power for 38 years. (Hes still too young to retire)! In recent years, weve both become work-a-holics, and actually would rather work that take vacation. As we pulled through the main gate, he told me that he needed to talk to his supervisor--hes used up all of his sick leave and vacation, so I think hes just a little apprehensive of what to expect in the months ahead. Even more so, the WAITING has been extremely hard. Were both GET IT DONE kind of people, but all of this has definitely been a time for us to say LORD, MY LIFE IS IN YOUR HANDS. As he got to the door, he was greeted by some of his co-workers. I felt comfortable leaving him with them, so I just sat in the car and listened to a CD of praise and encouragement songs. After about 30 minutes, he came back to the car not looking completely worn out or troubled as he has the last month. Up until this week, I think Randy thought his determination would cause him to get better, but he now knows what feels right and what doesnt. As he got in the car, I saw papers, and he just said, It is what it is, Jo, and I may never get back to work. Its not what I want to do. Id rather be working, but Ive got to start thinking ahead. Disability...for Randy? Never in a thousand years! He was the healthy one.... Again, I had to thank God that I had a husband who had done something years ago that I didnt even know about. He had purchased a disabilty insurance as an extra part of his insurance plan so that, if he ever had to be off for an extended amount of time, he would have a portion of his income --PRAISE THE LORD AGAIN! Our nephew cut the grass this week (Randy has always loved using an old push mower for our entire yard), but we KNOW thats not going to happen. So, after we got home this afternoon, Randy and I walked around in the yard for just a bit. My poor roses and flower beds are in desperate need of some love....for today, though, I trimmed up a few limbs on some of the roses and just walked around. We we talked about possibly getting a used riding lawn mower, but for now, well probably just continue letting our nephew cut it. Out at my Secret Garden I stood up on the block wall and did some trimming while Randy held on to me. Then, he tried another limb that needed necessary pruning. We werent in a hurry to do anything, didnt do a fraction of what needed to be done, but it was OK. Im not sure who moved toward the door first, but we both made it back inside without any catastrophes! What lessons were supposed to learn from the last three months are still unclear, but for today...for just a little while...we took time to talk to each other, knowing that we have been blessed to have more time with each other. Our ongoing joke is that we hadnt had our 40th anniversary because of all that has happened since December 16th, but today, I think we were both satisfied that our gift to each other was completed with just a quiet walk around the yard. For now, were working on becoming POSITIVE, PATIENT, PROACTIVE and PERSISTENT in everything...especially getting to the doctor at UAB who can HEAL Randy. The weeds MAY get dug up, the rest of the roses MAY get trimmed, flower beds MAY be tidied, and my Secret Garden MAY bloom once again. It really doesnt matter.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:08:05 +0000

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