Today (September 1st) is New Zealand’s Random Acts of Kindness - TopicsExpress


Today (September 1st) is New Zealand’s Random Acts of Kindness Day. And this year is the 10th year that New Zealand has been the only country in the world to celebrate a national RAK Day! I unfortunately havent been able to do a Random Act of Kindness for somebody yet, but thought I would share this video with you all… If youre not a Taylor Swift fan, you possibly will be after watching this….. In this video Taylor Swift does a Random Act of Kindness and visited Jordan at Boston Childrens Hospital and they sing together, one of her songs….. (This is not my video, I came across it here: https://facebook/photo.php?v=563025560469549&set=vb.559210117517760&type=3&theater) Have you done a Random Act of Kindness today for somebody yet? If youre stuck on ideas, here are a few that I have found online….. - Pay for an extra coffee and ask the barista to give to the next person who comes in - Put a nice note inside a library book when you return it - Pick flowers from your garden and take to your teacher - Pay a stranger a compliment – you just don’t know what they’re going through - Leave an encouraging note in your neighbour’s letterbox - Send a pizza to the local fire station, police station, school staff room - Take muffins to work - Give an employee an extra hour for lunch - Let a car into the traffic ahead of you - Wash your mum’s car - Mow the neighbour’s lawn - Throw a dinner party for a family in your street - Take a box of chocolates to neighbours you haven’t met yet and introduce yourself -Give your parking display ticket to the person pulling in behind you - Pay the bus fare for the passenger behind you - Visit your local old people’s home and spend time talking with a resident - Take your class to an old people’s home and sing to them Add your ideas below and inspire us! SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT & Follow my page if you want to see more videos like this. Maioro Barton.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 01:14:41 +0000

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