Today, Sunday, January 25, 2015, begins the 5th annual National - TopicsExpress


Today, Sunday, January 25, 2015, begins the 5th annual National School Choice Week, a most appropriate time to inform Americans that the greatest abuse of our civil rights is practiced every day by the federal government and all 50 state governments. Denying parents the liberty to direct the education of their children has brought us this growing tyranny. The very first step to restoring government “of the people, by the people and for the people,” is the establishment of true school choice, where parents are empowered to send their children to the law-abiding school of their choice, at half the cost of government indoctrination camps. Every citizen has the ability to end government indoctrination and restore self-government by replacing the ruling class with true representatives of the people. At the federal level, vote for those who support the proposed D.C. Civil Rights Act for Equal Educational Opportunity. This would empower DC parents to send their children to any law-abiding school at half the cost of substandard DC Public Schools. In New Jersey, vote for those who support The New Jersey Parental Rights and Property Reduction Act (1785). In the other 49 states similar bills are needed to restore liberty and self government. For those of us whose minds are still functioning, having escaped the government/media brainwashing, consider that the American Revolution, as most revolutions, was fought by a very small minority of the Colonists. We can save our nation from disaster. But we need to spring into action now. We don’t have a moment to lose. New Jersey is the perfect place to begin, because it is the first in the nation to have a true school choice bill, sponsored by a handful of courageous legislators. Our task is to build their team to become the majority. This can only be done with your help! Let’s talk. 973-820-6121 https://youtube/watch?v=8jJnphl_uT4&
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 15:23:53 +0000

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