Today The Sound of Change resembles a war zone as we all implode - TopicsExpress


Today The Sound of Change resembles a war zone as we all implode on the emotions that have welled up and gone unacknowledged. Unhinged is a good word for today. How do you best support those closest to you on occasions where your own feelings are screaming for attention. The most natural thing for me is to put aside my own needs to be there for those I love most. But when their needs conflict with my own, the challenge is faced. And wanting to do my thing only adds further conflict, internally. If I really loved them, I would be ok with putting their needs above my own wouldnt I? I know this isnt the truth but it lives in me like my truth. As this guilt builds upon itself, it creates a fire breathing monster that is determined to not only rise to the challenge, but conquer all that stand in its way. Upon winning the battle, it secedes that the war is still raging and it has gained no advancement from its so called victory. Its no different when dealing with change. The battle ground is too, where one party feels strongest and the other not so. Where there seems to be a higher ground, an advantage point. Cannons roar, some hitting the mark whilst others miss but still leave a trail of damage as a reminder of where it lay. Fires burn on themselves. Those that have previously stood beside you are now on the opposing side and every one is preoccupied with offloading as much as they can as quickly as possible. Anarchy reigns. Like all battles, at its end their is a silence, a ceasefire to allow all to attend to their wounded, rearm and prepare for the next charge. The silence allows for the rebuilding of the wall, the adjustment of that smile that hides the pain. The implosion has served its purpose but not without some casualties. It too will go unmentioned, as no one wants to acknowledge or be responsible for the pain they have caused to the ones who are their strongest allies, those that have been, and will always be, their most vocal supporter providing unconditional love at all times. Eventually and as always, love prevails. But at a cost. Always at a cost. And most times the cost is worth it but I have to wonder at what point will enough be enough? And no one wins in the end. And yet, on better days we all win. So we close our eyes and pray for a better day tomorrow.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 12:06:21 +0000

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