Today Tuesday, is another milestone in the history of the nation - TopicsExpress


Today Tuesday, is another milestone in the history of the nation Nigeria. The mare survival of Nigeria as a unified entity is the only successful story in the 53 years of its independence. Like Boko Haram, Nigeria can only boast of its success on its survival. We see despite heavy fatalities and injuries of thousands of people and the grounded economic life of the NE, the purported Boko Haram leader can only boast on his ability to prove he is still alive. Just like BH, Nigeria is real but unrealistic, naïve and self-annihilative. Why? Just because those that lead the two phenomena are dehumanized of all human sensibilities. They trade blood for power! Sequel to the SW riots of June 12 1993 annulment of the presidential elections in which chief M. K. O Abiola won, Gen. IBB stepped down citing that he would not stand the spilling of Nigerian blood just to adhere to power. A lesson we wished Assad of Syria and Sisi of Egypt realized long ago. You never kill innocent souls and survive. Never! 2years ago, regarding the 1st of October 2010 Abuja bombing that killed 12 innocent Nigerians, carried out by the terrorist organization M.E.N.D, President Jonathan exonerated them and tried to castigate the northern politicians inferring to IBB. A new strategy never known in Nigerian politics came in to play i.e. by calling a dog a bad name to hang it. Then IBB was foreseen as the most formidable obstacle to deny Goodluck power. They forgot IBB left the power to save Nigerian blood. This the best deed of IBB Nigerians should not betray. Yes, from the onset, Mr. Goodluck was apparently in a struggle to grab power and to cling to power even if that is at the cost of innocent Nigerian lives. Well it turned out that his people were the culprits. After the 2011 election violence that spilled the blood of innocent Nigerians, in Kaduna South more than 500 innocent people were massacred probably the highest causality of the violence, the victims were absurdly also framed as anti- Jonathan and Gen. Buhari was cited as the instigator. Give a dog a bad name and hang it strategy again in play. It then appeared that Gen. Buhari is not a man that can be arrested and incarcerated. The government that will dream of that must be day-dreaming. Suddenly after his ascension to power and the affect of strategic replacements in the Nigerian security apparatus that favored the SS and SE regions, the ‘boko haram’ bombings became incessant, powerful and more sophisticated. Bombings in Sokoto, Daura, kano, kaduna, Zaria, Maiduguri, Abuja, Damaturu, Bauchi, etc. in fact the whole northern region was virtually on fire. ‘Boko Haram’ a ragtag group of peasant al- majiris were then abruptly well-equipped to carry out highly sophisticated military like - clandestine operations. It is to insinuate that they were triggered as a reaction of the northern region to reject Jonathan’s rule. Calling a Dog a bad name to hand him strategy again. This time not against individuals but a whole region and religion. Then Azazi and Yakowa died abruptly. The bombings also suddenly abated to a halt. Then gradually a new strategy sets in. Massive killings of civilians in villages, schools and road sides by unidentified people or recently workers squatting in uncompleted buildings by security agents. All happening in states supposed to be either under state of emergencies or the capital city where security alert is at the optimum. Gen. Shuwa was gunned down and murdered under the very eyes of his army guards that didn’t react. And no military panel to investigate the killing of such a national hero that fought to keep Nigeria one was officiated. And you dare say the military now is demoralized and also paralyzed by its own mechanism. In brief, these killings in Nigeria from the 1st October 2010 to date are largely a script play and a plot unfolding. In it, even some of the active accomplices like the naïve almajiris are not aware they are pawns. In Nigeria today nobody is safe. Anybody can be attacked and killed, or framed up and arrested. You see or hear of Law and order is only in books and the compromised newspapers and media. Journalism is dead, justice in the court of law is absent, intellectuals are neutralized, and the populace is largely left poor and uneducated. Mr. Jonathan has only one option left for him. Let him conduct a free and fair election in 2015. From PDP primary elections to the national elections. Let him not be deceived by those wolves that want to push him to his expiration for their corrupt lifestyles. Mr. Jonathan should know that power is no substitute for blood i.e. you cannot spill other people’s blood to stay in power and remain flourishing. You should ask Assad about that. You can call Sisi in Egypt and ask him about that. The psycho-trauma is enough to finish one’s life. Please Mr. Jonathan, if Nigerians don’t want you please go in peace. My advice to Nigerians is that the struggle in Nigeria is wrongly termed religious or ethnic. It is all about a clique who wants to monopolize money and power. The day Nigerians reclaim their government, military and resources, that day they will realized that boko haram, MEND, OPC and also the so called ‘influential’ religious organizations are all hijacked for the same goal by this clique to perpetuate the status quo. As for Islam, I can speak for. Islam calls for peaceful co-existence, progress, mercy and compassion on all humanity. "And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the world" Q21/107. May Allah Protect us all! Amin
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 07:46:45 +0000

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