Today, Virginia and I had lunch with Pati after Mass. Afterwards, - TopicsExpress


Today, Virginia and I had lunch with Pati after Mass. Afterwards, she and Juan invited us over to watch the video of their vacation to the Rocky Mountains and Pittsburgh. While we were there, Ceci showed up. As we all sat in the living room talking about todays culture, something occurred to me. I am now learning so much from my children. Of the three that were there, Ceci is a Social Worker with her own practice, Virginia is a Registered Nurse and Patricia got her Masters degree from the JPII Institute for Marriage and Family. Listening to them exchange information that I lack for the work Im doing, made me realize that God is giving me a formal education I squandered - hes giving it to me through these girls who dont realize how much their Mama looks up them. God is faithful and never deprives His children of what they need, even when they deprive themselves of it. My poor choices didnt get in Gods way - He finds ways to get things done in spite of us. In Finding Forrester Forrester said something to Jamal that I would say to the girls because I think it applies well. I have always lamented the fact that I never got a formal education, now I realize that Im getting it the winter of my life. Someone I once knew wrote that we walk away from our dreams afraid that we may fail or worse yet, afraid we may succeed. You need to know that while I knew so very early that you would realize your dreams, I never imagined I would once again realize my own. Seasons change young man, and while I may have waited until the winter of my life, to see the things Ive seen this past year, there is no doubt I would have waited too long, had it not been for you. Thank you, Girls, you five complete me!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 02:14:13 +0000

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