Today a Ghanian who was taken to Hell by the Lord Jesus Christ - TopicsExpress


Today a Ghanian who was taken to Hell by the Lord Jesus Christ says he saw Princess Diana in Hell for practising witchcraft. He says Princess Diana obtained a protective ring from India but this failed to protect her on that fateful day. The Ghanain also saw Michael Jackson, who had an Indian Magic Ring to enable him call on high powers of Satan... Michael Jackson said I went to satan who gave me Riches wealth powers fame and an angelic voice, now am suffering here........Michael Jackson is also among those that used charms in their musical career... The Ghanain also saw former Nigerian President Sani Abacha in the Royal part in Hell where most World Leaders go to... He said he caused many deaths of many thousands of people so he could use their body parts for rituals.. He also Col. Muammar Ghaddafi who was killed by Rebels in Libya... He said he was there because he didnt believe in Jesus.... The Lord Jesus showed the Ghanaian how Ghaddafi lived his life on earth... He had a Magic chain which helped him vanish when the Nato and Rebel forces pursued him...however on that fateful day after bathing he forgot to put on the chain he had obtained from an occultic grand master in India... He said I should tell all Libyas daughters, sons and wives to turn to christianity because he was suffering ....Those who killed me should not come here... he said.....He even requested for a drop of water...... The Lord said any time anyone uses charms they are automatically signed up in Hell....He also body builders on their way to hell for using charms... He also saw a Brazillian footballer who died on the pitch because he had refused to go and thank a wizard who helped him play in that league... He also saw Mark Vivian Fo the Camerounian who died during a football match in France in 2003... He went to the Queen of the Coast for powers to play in the Africa Cup of Nations... After obtaining the powers he was supposed to sacrifice his Mother to the Queen of the Coast but refused to do it so during that fateful day a spirit from the water kingdom struck his heart and killed him instantly on the pitch... So he was in Hell for olcutism.. in hell he was seen holding a human skull.... The next football he saw on his way to Hell was Kaka ... he had a bible in his right hand and a football in the left hand.. He then saw a demon go to him and him Follow me and I will show you the path of lie....this demon then took the Bible and placed it in his left hand and the football in his right hand...sadly this demon is leading him to hell too...He also another man speak to him in portuguese you can be a Christian but anything you want in football l will do it for you then this man did some rituals and a demon appeared... Then he put some liquid on his head and the demon entered into him... he then began to play skillfully... He then saw legendary Abedi Pele go to a cemetery to invoke a demon and then a demon came to his players and strange oil was applied on them...and were asked not to touch any woman... He also discovered that the demon that helped the Egyptian National team win the African Cup of Nations Seven times was Osairus and they are being led to hell....
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 06:29:15 +0000

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