Today a friend from work and I were gonna eat chow together, and - TopicsExpress


Today a friend from work and I were gonna eat chow together, and he was all, Hey man, I might grab some Burger King, probably a Whopper. Are you cool with me eating meat around you, you know, with the whole religious thing going on right now? So of course I was like, Yeah, absolutely. To each his own, right? Doesnt matter to me what you eat, why would I care? I mean, its your f*ckin soul. If you wanna spend eternity burning in some lake of fire, whats it to me? If I were some heinous, undisciplined beast of a person who couldnt hack abstaining from eating meat one day a week, Id probably join you in having a burger. But by all means, do you bro. Just do me a favor: while youre chewing that meat, make sure you look up to the sky and say, F*ck you, Jesus every few seconds. Because thats essentially what youre saying by your actions. And hey, why stop at a burger for lunch? Maybe for dinner you can go to the maternity ward of a local hospital and eat a few newborn babies. And why stop there?? You can also assassinate the Pope tomorrow, you know, just for good measure. But yeah, no biggie. Its whatever. Ill save you a seat in the lounge. J/k
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 00:32:34 +0000

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