Today a local sec of Anonymous targeting Winnipeg activist Michael - TopicsExpress


Today a local sec of Anonymous targeting Winnipeg activist Michael Kannon ended up shutting down countless websites including Althea Guiboches Got Bannock? site, Idle No More, a Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women website and more. It turns out that Paula Ducharme, another local activist is having a fight with Michael Kannon. It appears that Anonymous didnt do their homework before shutting down a bunch of innocent peoples websites. We dont know the story with Kannon and Ducharme and really, it sounds like personal drama leaking out into the activist scene which right now is really damaging it. It makes us all look like a bunch of idiots. Anonymous is going to be posting all of Kannons e-mails and Facebook messages publicly. Now these same guys share WAMs posts which is much appreciated, but what theyve done today is totally irresponsible and careless. Why they got involved in the first place is a big question on our mind. Now I have nothing to hide speaking to Michael Kannon as I have in the past, but I do not consent to Anonymous releasing my private conversations. They can read the conversation and see that nothing nefarious happened. Im sure theyve read it already. Were supposed to be about freedom here, but this Anonymous sec seems to be about publishing private messages which arent theirs to share. Okay, so you post nefarious things Kannon or Ducharme has said, thats a little bit more understandable even though you have no right to invade peoples privacy like that. What annoys me most now that most of these affected websites are back up is that all the good innocent people whove ever had a private conversation with Michael Kannon (whos a very popular guy in Winnipeg) is now getting their private conversations shared publicly and thats not right at all to those people. No, they dont have anything to hide but that doesnt mean its okay to take their messages and share them around. We know youre reading this right now Anonymous Prairie Sec, please do the right thing. This is a form of oppression in itself. To solve private drama between two people, youre invading the lives of countless good individuals. Thats not what Anonymous is supposed to be about. Youre stifling human rights here, not promoting them. ~ Josh
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:29:57 +0000

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