Today as I get ready for David Larkans graduation day I am - TopicsExpress


Today as I get ready for David Larkans graduation day I am literally beaming with pride. You see this is a man who has overcome serious obstacles, obstacles that would have stopped many in their tracks. I will never forget a cold, wintery night in December. I was working at Clinique and we were extremely was of course Christmas time. Grey was at my parents house because David was getting ready to hit the streets as a police officer in NLR. The phone rang at the counter and when I answered no on spoke on the other end. I heard a TV in the background but no words. Hmmmm, I thought, probably a wrong number. About 30 minutes later two police officers were at my counter telling me there was an emergency and I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible that David was unresponsive, When I arrived, he was scared, disoriented and just wanted me and his kids....he thought he was dying. I thought he was dying. His doctors thought he was dying. A brain aneurysm isnt something most people live through to talk about. He underwent a very extensive brain surgery in which he was resuscitated back three times. He lost a lot of blood. Even though the aneurysm was clipped it would be a long road back. They told me that he would have some quality of life again but he would really never be the same. He would never enjoy life as he once knew it. The incredibly huge staples holding his head together was a constant reminder that this strong vibrant man was being held hostage by a condition he had no control over. It was the first time he wasnt in control. They told us he would never drive again, train again in the gym, and he would probably never recover enough to do the one thing he truly loved....being a on officer, a man in blue, protecting the citizens of our great state. Most might have rolled over and accepted it. Not David. His perseverance and tenacity drove him to work harder than anyone in the room, He never for a minute thought he couldnt do it and guess what HE DID! He defied all odds. After rehabilitation, he was back, stronger and healthier than ever. He never accepted someone telling him he couldnt do it. He turned those cants in to cans and he has never looked back. His one true passion in life is police work, Hes fearless. He has a true giving heart, a compassion for the people of Arkansas and I can honestly say has the most integrity of anyone I have ever known. Not one single time in my 25 years with this man have I EVER see him jeopardize his integrity for any reason.His undying loyalty to his brothers and sisters in blue is apparent in everything he does. David retired from the North Little Rock Police Dept in 2001. He had a distinquished career as an officer, a detective, community policing, as the liaison on the ATF Taskforce, SWAT team and Instructor. He lived for it. From there he was hand chosen to work on a special taskforce for Saline County Sheriff. Sheriff Phil Mask will be the first to tell you when the going got tough they wanted Larkan. David thought he could hang up his badge. But because his blood is blue through and through he could never really find happiness without it. He knew there was work to be done and no matter how tough the odds were he wanted to dedicate his life to protecting and serving. Unfortunately age got in the way. For those who really know David then you know the incredible shape he is in. He is strong, well trained and has intuition and street smarts that very few possess. However, he was turned down time after time because he was too old. He wouldnt give up. Pulaski County Sheriff believed in him and hired him last June. I will never forget getting a phone call while I was with Grey in Clearwater with this kid like voice on the other end telling me that he was back....a chance to fulfill his dream....a second chance. Because he was out for a certain period of time, David had to go back for 12 weeks to the police academy. 12 weeks away from home...anyone who knows him knows this was torture... he is a home body. Then on top of it all he was in a class where most training there with him are in their 20s. Yet the old man stepped up again showing them all up in the physical fitness and graduating in the top percentile of his class with a test score average in the 90s. At 56 he out performed 23, 24 25 year olds in almost every category. His attitude and never quit mentality has brought him to this very special day....GRADUATION! Yes his picture is already on the Police Academy wall from 1989 but today 2014 it will be hung on the wall again. A true come back story when all odds were against him, When everyone said he couldnt do it. When life had thrown him an unfair curve ball, he hit it out of the park. Please join me in congratulating David on this very special day. It will be one we both remember and cherish the rest of our lives. I am so proud. When he marches by and they call his will be one of my lifes moments that will always remind me to never stop believing that dreams do come true. I love you baby. Thank you for being the man you are and the shining example of good. Thank you for not just talking the talk but walking the walk. Arkansas is lucky to have you as a protector of right.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 12:16:05 +0000

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