Today as I sat and relived what it was like the day after my NDE - TopicsExpress


Today as I sat and relived what it was like the day after my NDE when my eyes opened fir the first time it was like seeing under water until my eyes could adjust to what seemed to be a window that I picked my body up and walked over too ,only to realize I was seeing life through new eyes, I was looking out into a yard I have never seen before , only to slowly turn in fear that what was behind me was also a place a never seen before and as confusion and panic began to take over as I stood there thinking what is going on how did I wake up here ,how did I get here and how much time has past, how long have I been gone and where was I, I couldnt remeber a thing and for a bittersweet moment it felt good as it did bad to stripped of anything I wanted to forget but also loosing the memories I never wantet to forget and there were the all the things unforgetable, and just as I turned around afraid of what I would find it was a place that I never seen before, how could this be I was silently screaming ,did I blackout I thought but a whole life blackout I coukdnt remeber anything but somehow I knew there was so much to remeber , and an overwhelming feeling came over me as I broke down and just kept repeating I how I wanted to go home , as I walked over to a closet of things that where not my things ,I caught a glimpse of some one else in the mirror which only brought me in for a closer look only to be completely freaked out the reflection I was seeing wasnt me ,It was a face I never saw before and in that moment how can anyone rationalize what is going on and being a rational person I had no explanation how I have never seen me before or this way,even my body felt forgien, staring into eyes I have seen or seen out of before , everything was forgien,unfamiliar ,I was a stranger to myself and my life, and trying to catch up on 31 years of a life I only remembered by my senses, and when I say they were hiegtened they were so hieghtened they expanded across the universe ,something was going on I had no explanation for, how do I explain and those around me understand I never met them before ,I feel their energy but I know nothing about them anymore ,everyone was a stranger even me to myself ,but when my kids came close I felt a sense of home base ,I knew I was connected to them by something powerful making me feel like Everything will be alright , since then the gift and the curse has made it real easy to exclude any negative without a thought about it , since my NDE my life died with me but didnt return back with me ,my life was over at the same time as a new life was beginning and it didnt end there ,my near death expierince just started ,it was the beginning to life after death xoxo lisa
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 04:28:28 +0000

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