Today at 9:28 AM The ObamaCare roll out has been nothing short - TopicsExpress


Today at 9:28 AM The ObamaCare roll out has been nothing short of a DISASTER. And experts agree it will get much worse – more expensive healthcare premiums and medical services, lower-quality health care, higher taxes, and fewer doctors. Turns out, if you liked your healthcare plan, you couldn’t keep it. You may soon find you can’t keep your doctor either. That’s why, for the sake of our kids and grandkids, our small businesses and the country we love so dearly, you and I MUST fight to repeal ObamaCare. Recently, I tried to enroll my 20-year old son in ObamaCare and pay the bill for his health insurance. Neither of us could do it. Instead, he had to go to a local welfare office to prove his existence. And two days later, he received a Medicaid card that he hadn’t even applied for! You and I can only guess how many millions of Americans are now experiencing ObamaCare’s madness – many of whom are not healthy 20-year olds, but elderly, sick or disabled. The only good news is the more the American people learn about ObamaCare, the more they agree it stinks. Democrats in Congress are feeling the American people’s outrage like never before, and they’re beginning to cave in. So please stand with me to keep up the pressure to REPEAL OBAMACARE! You see, it won’t happen without your support. So please take a moment to fill out your Stand With Rand to Repeal ObamaCare petition IMMEDIATELY. It’s absolutely critical that you do so. I know you and I have had to fight like never before these past few years as the Obama Administration has careened from one disaster and mistake to another. But this might be our most important fight yet. After all, I know you’ve heard about all the madness surrounding ObamaCare’s implementation, including: ***The ObamaCare website’s glitches. In fact, it’s taken President Obama’s administration longer to create a working website than it took the U.S. military to defeat the Nazis in World War II; ***2.6 TRILLION in taxpayer dollars we don’t have that will do absolutely NOTHING to improve American healthcare. Instead, this massive government takeover is making things dramatically worse; ***Lost jobs and cut back hours as employers are forced to look for ways to keep their doors open while facing ObamaCare’s tax and regulatory nightmare; ***Lost health insurance policies and skyrocketing premiums for hardworking families just trying to make ends meet. Not only that, but I recently learned health insurance companies aren’t worried young people are rejecting ObamaCare’s bad deal in droves – even though they’re the supposed linchpin that will make the whole boondoggle work – because ObamaCare includes special provisions that forces the American taxpayers to pony up for yet another bailout! It’s $20 BILLION to start. From there, the sky’s the limit. The ugly truth is, the tax-and-spenders knew this would happen – just like President Obama knew he was lying. That’s why President Obama held off on ObamaCare implementation until after his 2012 reelection campaign! Only now – more than four years after its passage – are the American people truly beginning to see ObamaCare’s disastrous results. And it’s all about to get worse. Much worse, in fact.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:14:04 +0000

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