Today at Sunday School, we talked on Depression and dwelled deeply - TopicsExpress


Today at Sunday School, we talked on Depression and dwelled deeply on the subject for a while with no much arguments than arguments are. Got a few oppositions to my stance on the matter but its all good, the truth was said. Period! Meanwhile, before i proceed, let me state that I am the youngest lad in my Sunday School mens class. Now, in order of the subject, everybody had something to say including myself. I was holding back in respect of the elderly men in my class, whom I utterly love & respect but not for long could I withhold my insight on the matter. It wasnt that they were saying anything wrong. It was just that they were holding on to the wrong concepts of life. I know what youre thinking, Who are you to know the concepts of life esp. in the midst of well mature and experienced grown men? But you see my people, wisdom doesnt know age or numbers and besides, when the the Holy Spirit puts something in your heart to say or do, what is knowledge and experience to do about it? Anyways, back to my point, as the topic lingered, I raised my hand to state that I dont believe in depression and that people tend to dwell much on the fact that their problems are too great that they forget the most important things. You see, life is s choice. Very much so and this choice is power on its own. Life has NO rules. No, it doesnt but there are intricate principles to which we live, survive or die. God literally gave us the power to choose life or death but he doesnt force it. He can but he wont be a just God if he did. Nevertheless, hes made available the principles to live it. Now, on the contrary, the devil CANNOT force us even if he wanted to. That alone should tell you how this works... The principles of life, that is. My people, do you not think that the devil would force us to do his will every night & day if he could? YES, he most definitely would. He LOVES control, power, to be worship. Anyways, from the testimonies Ive heard from ex-satanists, he persuades and tries to convince but he cant force it. They all gave in to him WILLINGLY. Now, that being said, thats not a rule. There are abundance of ways one can give away their will, (unwillingly I must say) and trust the devil to search and find them out (after dwelling sooo long on earth, he definitely can get away with a terrific amount of experience which could be in turn wisdom) but he still has to follow the already set principles of life God put in place for us. When we give in to hin through sin or whatever it may be, we give him that power to take over and USE us indiscretly. Dont blame the devil for everything though. Blame YOU more than anything (for giving over your power) but Thank God, he saves us. Now, blah blah blah... What was I saying??? Uhmm... Ahh haa... Depression!!! So Yes, Depression is telling God I dont really trust you can handle this, Sir and since you cant, let me manage the situation with pity for myself and on my face (:-() Well, how can one say they actually BELIEVE in God and be depressed. I dont get it. Its just like claiming Bill Gates is your Dad but you live in the gutters or slums because you say he cant pay your apartments rent. First of all, if your Bill Gates son, you dont live in an apartment and if he cant afford the rent (for whatever stinking reason there is), hell build you your own. Besides, Im sure theyre dozens of people wholl willingly accomodate you in their homes just because youre linked to Bill Gates. So, if you claim youre Bill Gates son but do live in the slums, then there are logical explanations to it. Well, i have here that Youre either a psychiatric patient who also claims that Steven Seagal is your son whereas youre black or youre the worst sorry excuse of a liar ever or you really arent his son. Get it?! So, when next youre thinking depression, think this. Am I really Gods son? Answer: Are you?! #End_of_Story! Good Night, people.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 04:51:25 +0000

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