Today at a bus stop I was God. Anyone who knows me - TopicsExpress


Today at a bus stop I was God. Anyone who knows me knows that I have an aversion to a crowded bus. I dont like to feel confined and heaven forbid an accident should occur. So unless I am pressed for time I will wait. The first bus came and of course it was crowded, so I sat back down on the bench to wait again. A man, large, slightly dirty, cumbersome and disheveled disembarked from it and hobbled to the bench and sat next to me. Wishing that I should have gotten on the previous bus,I sat quietly hoping to blend into the scenery and not to be dragged into conversation. He looked over at me and said Miss, can you call me an ambulance? Whoa, now Im nervous Are you okay? No, I have fluid retention on my legs, varicose veins, sleep apnea and Im in pain. Jittery, I called an ambulance praying he doesnt have a heart attack or stroke. He also had asthma and had a little trouble breathing. So by now Im terrified. Waiting for EMS (this is the Bronx people, we have to wait) he proceeded to tell me hes loved a woman for 4 years and she treats him poorly. He would rather sleep on the street than return home to her. She has accused him of every indignity under the sun and he has done nothing but love her. He began to weep in ernest. Here was a man I was repulsed by at first and now he was breaking my heart. I told him I wouldnt leave until EMS came, that I will stay by his side until help arrived, and that I have nothing that I can offer him other than a prayer. I told him I would pray for him. I told him to have faith in God, to pray to Him and ask Him for help. He then told me all he has left is God because he has no other family. When EMS arrived I explained to them the situation and I pulled one of them to the side. I asked him could he please find services for Mr. Cornelius (that was the name he gave me)that he needs counseling. I explained that it may not be considered domestic violence, but he needs assistance. The worker promised me he would relay the message to a nurse. As they packed him up and drove away I hurried to next bus and openly sobbed. I could care less who saw me, I cried like a baby just like I am while typing this. If you ever doubt who you are in Gods service He sends people in your path to remind you. I was meant to miss a bus, to meet help a stranger. Please pray for him, that he gets all the help he needs. Please pray for me as well my heart hurts for a man I barely know
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 18:17:56 +0000

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