Today, at #legacysolutions @Propnex, we successfully rolled out - TopicsExpress


Today, at #legacysolutions @Propnex, we successfully rolled out Phase 1 out of 3 Phases of our Impact HDB Presentation of our IMPACT Training Series. Whats the syllabus about? Its about equipping the right technical and soft skills for our associates at #legacysolutions @Propnex to help them secure the business upon presenting to prospective clients who wish to sell/upgrade/right size their current HDB properties, or even moving on to private property. How was the framework of the syllabus formulated? The experience after thousands of hours spent presenting in front of prospective clients over a period of more than a decade by two top producers were meticulously shared and studied to identify key factors that determine the factors and attributes that resulted in successful presentations that manages to addresses the key concerns of prospective clients in the ever complex myriad of policies of the public housing and the common use of CPF funds to finance its purchases. Can the syllabus be bought off the shelf? No. The primary purpose of the development of the training is to equip the associates with the right knowledge and skill sets in order to handle any transaction smoothly in the current market situation and prevailing policies. Its fully developed in house by #legacysolutions @Propnex and it addresses in depth the current market situation, its challenges base on the economic situations, housing and retirement policies, the demographics of the Singapore population, the ageing population and the leasehold balances of HDB flats as a whole and the pressing concerns of certain cohorts of the population with regards to their housing needs and its lease balances. The Uniqueness of the syllabus. RES and even realtors with 10 years experience are able to be seated in the same training program. The difference in experience of the associates will allow for them to explore the necessary value they receive from the training and use it to bring their individual businesses to the next level. Why is it called IMPACT ? The syllabus is designed primarily for the associates to take their business to the next level, regardless of the level of the business they are in at the moment. Unlike normal trainings, no handouts or copies of the slides will be given out. Associates are to formulate their own notes as the training progresses and extract the necessary information, skill and values that will help them propel their business to the next level. We believe the right knowledge will not do anyone any good without taking the right actions. Assignments are given to associates at the end of training which they have to work on an individual basis. This will be reviewed before the associate proceeding to Phase 2 of the program. How will it help the associates of #legacysolutions @Propnex? With the right and purposeful knowledge, associates are able to identify key areas where they can impart value and address key concerns of various cohorts of the populations and which may in turn help to generate new business for the associates. Testimony A brand new RES given the opportunity to present to a cold client thinking of upgrading from their HDB to private property, was given a crash course on the syllabus just the night before and successfully secure the exclusive the next morning with full commissions. Cost of the Training Program. 100% FREE to all associates of #legacysolutions @Propnex Duration Phase 1 : 2 hrs + Assignment + Review Phase 2 : 2 x 2hrs + Assignements + Review Phase 3 : 2 x 2hrs + Assignements + Review At the end of todays full 2.5hrs (extended for QnA) training, we left our associates to spent a moment of reflection by watching the video below. I would like to share it with everyone here. We have to be clear of our purpose. Only then every obstacle will be temporary. We are welcoming more partners to be part of #legaysolutions @Propnex. Gaz Aspar - #legacysolutions@ Propnex
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 17:56:41 +0000

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