Today at school 5 different kids wanted to talk to me about church - TopicsExpress


Today at school 5 different kids wanted to talk to me about church from this past Sunday. One was a sweet Kindergarten kid that visited for the first time. That child said, Ms. White I love you at my new church. I didnt know YOU would be at my new church. Are you going to be at my new church again? A third grade boy had to give me a 5 minute explanation about why he would not be there this Sunday and wanted to know what IT was going to be on my next chance to come. A first grade student I had not met before Sunday ran to hug me yelling, hey kidzone, hey kidzone like it was my name. She said, I like that fun church. Im sure there are lots of opinions floating about using something like Elsa and movies at church. And people do criticize our using games, prizes, and fun as a draw. I heard that for years. You just make it all fun and games. I didnt hear any of those today. Just too busy listening to the kids who are excited about church. Did you catch that? KIDS EXCITED TO GO TO CHURCH. KidZone Team: We get to be a part of that. WE get to create that. Us?!?!?! God is using us to impact kids. That is so COOL! The Bible doesnt say church has to be boring to be Holy. Sunday I had the chance to teach kids with life stories of broken, hurt, and angry hearts that forgiveness is possible. THAT IS A HOLY MOMENT. I dont care if we have to dress in Chicken suits and hand out cotton candy.... creating an environment where kids love church is the first step to teaching them about the Christ of the church who loves them. So now Im off to watch Despicable me. Lets call it sermon prep. Side Note: We love kids at Christ Chapel. We also love the local church and the importance of Childrens Ministry. If you are involved in kids ministry at your church and would like to know more about what we are doing Id love to help. Its not magic or even hard. Its truly just time and experience. Dave and I have been Childrens Pastors for a long time between us. We would be happy to share what has worked for us (and what hasnt). And I would love to hear what is ideas you have too.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 01:43:27 +0000

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