Today at the Grocery Store- Sporadic vendor shortages - TopicsExpress


Today at the Grocery Store- Sporadic vendor shortages Short supply nationally impact stock conditions dramatically This shortage isnt just for milk. Use the Circle of Life formula. Cows need water and food to produce organic milk. No milk probably means; no water or food and no agriculture due to the unusual decline of honey bees, nearing extinction. After the math, you get famine. We can all blame Climate Change and mother nature for the serious drought, massive die off of bees, crazy weather knocking out power and shelter for millions... But how do you explain the hundreds of water main breaks (Im sure youve heard of at least one of them e.g. UCLA) adding to loss of water Rampant fires - (we need water that we lack to put out the continuous raging fires) Increased violence Blacks vs. whites, police vs. blacks, lawless civilians vs. police, whites vs. blacks, Chinese vs. Americans. Russians vs. Ukrainians, African vs Africans, Muslims vs Christians, Terrorists vs whoever they say that they are vs so they can rationalize the art of taking whatever they want from whoever they want, Koreans vs Koreans, America vs Korea, then the battle of religions and denomination vs denomination. Personally I put no stock in religion. You ask me what my religion is and my subsequent affiliate church, and I tell you I have none. I see the good and the bad for what it is. And while bible study and sermons make you better: Christians, based on my objective observation, your actions say you’re lost and don’t know it yet. Men from every denomination say that they do the will of God but righteousness is acquired through your actions. The Devil isn’t going down without a fight and neither is he going alone. Put your pride aside and quit arguing amongst yourselves and realize that the Devil is playing head games to divide and conquer us. I have argued with Christians about the Sabbath and Sunday worship for instance and in plain English allow me to paraphrase They believe that (the law is not applicable to them) i.e. they are above the law, because Jesus our Lord and Savior fulfilled the law. And contrary to every logical argument I give them, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” even though I argue for your own sake! I am misquoted and stand accused according to their doctrine, although I never said they will be damned or will not be saved, but rather pointed out that the level of affliction will depend on their own decision to wise up and be humble. But you won’t believe me, unless you are afflicted and you will wonder why the self-proclaimed righteous people are afflicted along with those which know no better aside from believing the climate change hype. You think that I am here to advertise for my church? You think that I exhaust myself to be a part or your groups? You think that I go out of my way to share with you these hidden evils because I get paid and this is my business? I put a neon sign on my nice car just for the fashion statement? Or maybe I am some crazy preaching out of his arse? No to all of the above; I don’t have any affiliate church, I don’t care to side with one and alienate another group simply for the sake of some likes (I’d rather you all hate me then me lose the half of you with a bias), I don’t get paid and this isn’t my business. My car looks amazing without the sign, so it’s definitely not for the fashion sense. How about’ Crazy preaching out of my arse? Ask yourself, if I have fabricated the facts!?! The fact that it has gotten progressively worse from the point I started posting to now; from climate to violence to natural disasters, to wars on earth, to economic downfall, to the world in recession, to new laws and bills in effect, etc. Facts! So why am I posting?!? One because the FEAR of the LORD is wisdom, and guess what, I’ve been granted this wisdom and I don’t mean metaphorically speaking, I mean literally and physically speaking! And two, because I hate to see you suffer or succumb to circumstance because we’ve been taught that “we are all victims to circumstance”. But we are not victims, and neither will the coming hardships define you. You will define you as will your action, behavior, and love to one another amid the inevitable circumstance. I also want to add Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Does not mean come together in a church, gang, or group and there He will be. You, who have quoted me this scripture and invite me to your churches then accuse me of wrongdoing because I have declined and I stand alone by choice; you take this piece of scripture entirely out of context. Read Matthew 18:16 and you will see that it is regarding 2 or 3 witnesses so that the word may be established and cross reference with Deuteronomy 17:6 and so forth concerning 2 or 3 witnesses. James 5:17Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. Elias was one man. I did not choose to do this, I was chosen. Even if I stand seemingly alone against the masses, know that I am not alone and neither do I need your support groups. I am not here to play favorites, but to do what it is I am doing. My hope is, that whatever it is Im doing, has struck a nerve to some and that nerve has led to subsequent thoughts that bring you closer to our Savior and our Creator. I am forever grateful that He has made himself known to me, and that the promise for life still stands regardless of how awful we are; how awful and unworthy I am as I speak for myself. But where I am grateful, I am also heavily burdened because I know what trials and tribulation are ahead of us... AND I am not talking about the daily chores of your lives as some have told me I know trials, I know tribulation, so dont preach to me You dont know is my response. At least, not like this. Does Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. mean anything to you? We’ve all had our fair share of troubles, some more than others but not like this coming time. I know that many will abandon the faith out of lust for the world, and some out of fear. The Devil will tempt many of us, and scare MANY others into submission having you believe that you are alone. Christ will NEVER forsake us and we will NEVER be alone. Remember that. I know how you don’t like lengthy posts, so I’ve shortened a few, but I thought it necessary to add this and that. Only time will tell if you read my “this” and my “that”.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 02:19:35 +0000

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