Today begins the de-tox at the end of prescription pain-med - TopicsExpress


Today begins the de-tox at the end of prescription pain-med treatment. Yall may not hear much outta me,for a few days. After surgery,they were deemed necessary,but,now,not so much. If youve ever dealt with pain treatment,then youll know how easy it can be,to get dependant on narcotic-strength meds,and how the clinics are very strictly regulated,and all. I had to have help with deadening real pain,so I could sleep. I wont describe here,the details of how miserable a week,or so,of de-tox from narcotic can be. The human body just dont like it. Id appreciate yalls thoughts and prayers. Ive been through it a couple of times,before. A person like myself,that has addiction issues,can easily get in a bind,and I gotta keep from lettin that happen.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:31:18 +0000

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