Today being Veterans Day, the thought keeps coming to mind of - TopicsExpress


Today being Veterans Day, the thought keeps coming to mind of Being a good soldier for the Lord. God uses the illustration of the soldier to help us how to understand our responsibilities as soldiers in the army of God. We know that soldiers have suffered and died throughout history to protect their own country. Many times God also calls the Christian soldier to suffer, and sometimes die for his faith. When God calls us to suffer, we must cry out to God for help, for He alone can help us. Youll find that the more you are consistently reading Gods Word and praying to Him, this becomes almost second nature. You will find yourself talking to the Lord throughout the day. I think that is exactly what Paul is referring to when he tells us to pray without ceasing. What would happen in the midst of battle if each soldier decided to fight the battle the way he thought best. Chaos would soon set in. Verse 4 in 2 Timothy 2, tells us that the soldier seeks to please the one who enlisted him. As a soldier of Christ, finish the battle! Dont give up midstream. Pray that you will be a faithful soldier of Jesus Christ so that you, too, will receive the Crown of Life at the end of your battle! In Christ Alone~ Robyn
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 01:00:00 +0000

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