Today, during Hope for the Hungry, a young woman who I have - TopicsExpress


Today, during Hope for the Hungry, a young woman who I have witnessed to many times came in and asked for me. As we sat down to chat her eyes were overflowing with tears and I could tell something was wrong. She began to tell me that her Mom, a lady I also talk to every month and love dearly, was recently informed that her lung cancer had returned and was already stage 4 in both lungs. As the tears flowed from her eyes she began to tell me how she felt. It took me right back to when I lost my own Mom and I could relate to her feelings. We talked a bit longer and I read some Scripture and then I gave her the best piece of advice I could recall from the time my Mom was sick. 1. Tell her everything you ever wanted her to know, but were ashamed to tell her. 2. Spend all the time you can with her and enjoy every single minute 3. Put all things from the past behind you, EXCEPT, those precious and funny memories and share those often. 4. LOVE her with everything that is within you! 5. Be there...every time you are in her presence, be present! 6. Make sure that you know shes assured of her Salvation. 7. Tell her AND show her just how very much you love her. 8. Get her to tell you EVERYTHING you are curious about from your childhood. 9. Let her talk, no matter how much it hurts, and tell you everything shes wanted you to know. 10. Hold her, hold her tight, hold her long and forget every single mistake shes ever made. At the end of our conversation we hugged and I assured her....the very LAST thing that you need to do is allow a Parent to pass from this World to the next without make all things right! I am so thankful that I have NO REGRETS with either of my parents. We settled them all! Then she, and I, went to the car so that I could hug her Mom and talk with her. As we talked we came to the conclusion...God is so very good! If she lives she lives and if she dies she lives! Shes a WINNER either way! Just thought Id share!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 20:31:51 +0000

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