Today episode half written update by #maliha The Episode starts - TopicsExpress


Today episode half written update by #maliha The Episode starts with Astha telling Shlok that she did not do anything purposely. Shlok says shut up and be away from my car. Astha says let me take my sandal. Shlok leaves. Astha gets her sandal which gets damaged. Astha’s dad tells Shlok’s mum that he cannot say yes to the marriage proposal. Anjali says you have taken the right decision. She says my husband got emotional, we both have so much difference in between us. It will be good if this proposal is not fixed. Niranjan comes and welcomes Atul. Niranjan asks whats the matter. Anjali says Atul came to say no to Shlok. Atul says Astha is not ready for marriage. Anjali says it means Astha does not want to marry Shlok. Astha comes to Gauri’s house. Gauri tells her about a problem. Niranjan says if Astha is not ready, we should respect her decision. He says everyone has a right to choose their life partner, if she is not ready to marry Shlok, we should not force her. Atul is relieved and says its not about Shlok, its Astha. She wants to work and be independent. He says Astha wans to work hard. Niranjan says its good, he says our friendship should not be affected. He invites Atul to come in teh award function tomorrow. Atul agrees and leaves. Anjalu hears everything and gets angry. Astha’s mum says Niranjan agreed to you, now we should go and attend the function. Atul says will Astha agree. Astha comes there and says what do you wish. Atul says its about you. Astha says I will come. Astha says if you cant hink about my happiness, why can’t I. I will surely come. Astha tells Gauri about meeting Shlok in the award function. Gauri says Shlok will be getting an award, its a public place, you should talk to him there itself. Astha says I can’t speak to him infront of anyone. Gauri asks her to insult Shlok. Gauri says I can’t. She says I have to think something about this. Astha gets an idea and thinks she should talk to Shlok before the award function. The next morning, Atul asks where is Astha. Astha comes brushing her teeth. Atul says bring a good bouquet to give it to Shlok, will you bring. Astha says do you have Shlok’s number. She says I want to congratulate him. Atul says will you? Astha says yes, why not. She asks for the number. Atul says Shlok does not need a mobile, maybe I have his secretary’s number. Reporters come to Shlok’s house and interviews Shlok. Shlok gives all the credit to his dad. They question him that whats the stand of your mum in your success. Shlok says she is much responsible, whatever I m is because of her. He says I stayed out of the house for 3 years. I got the inspiration from her to stay and work outside the house. Atul gives Shlok’s secretary’s number to Astha. The reporters questions him saying all the institutes are after your dad’s name, not on your mum’s name, why so. Shlok closes their camera and looks at them. He asks everyone to shut their cameras. Shlok says everyone knows my dad, he is a brand, so every institute starts by his name. The reporter questions him further. Shlok scolds him. Niranjan looks on. Rest Coming soon..
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 13:02:20 +0000

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