Today, for my morning devotion; I thought Id share a devotion with - TopicsExpress


Today, for my morning devotion; I thought Id share a devotion with you, from my brand new book...A Collection of Writings: Inspired by God...Volume Four. Enjoy! A Brick Wall of Circumstance Is Nothing to A Powerful God Our circumstances can allow us to feel as though there is a wall between us and God. We can feel like we are shouting for Gods help through a wall of bricks, while each circumstance stands before our face. One brick can resemble pain, and one brick can resemble brick a chronic or terminal illness...etc... As our circumstances begin to grow; we tend to feel the wall surrounding us. Ephesians 3:14 says...For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us: We have to believe that no wall of circumstances can prevail, in the presence of God. When Jesus died for our sins; He also died to replace the darkness and despair of our circumstances, for His perfect peace. No matter what kind of a wall stands before us; God has the power to break down the wall between us and Him and allow His peace to flow, where once darkness reigned. When God hears our cries of despair, then He takes the power within His presence and shows Satan, that the circumstances mean nothing to Him. Many times, we just sit in our despair, within the prison walls of our circumstances; both past and present, while we feel like, whats the use. We see our circumstances and even the ones from the past, as so overpowering in our lives, that we allow them to take us over like a disease. All God asks of us, is that we cry out to Him in our despair and from there, He will take care of the rest. Quite a while back, when I was writing poetry; God was giving me the words to write, for a beautiful poem. As I was writing, I had a vision come to my thoughts, which I normally do, at times when I write. I saw myself in a deep pit of despair and all there was around me, were dirt walls. I couldnt see any way out of the pit, so I just sat on the dirt floor. There were times when I tried to climb out of the pit, as I would try and get a footing in the side walls; but it seemed that each time I tried; I just fell right back to the bottom of the pit. As I saw myself sitting in the pit; I began to cry out for help. After a minute or so, I saw a hand reach down into the pit. As I looked up to the hand; I saw the nail prints. As I went to reach up for help; I heard Him speak to me, as He said...I came down off the cross, when I heard your cries; to rescue you from the pit that Satan threw you in. As I reached the top of the pit; Jesus began to hold me in His loving arms, as He lead me to a new pathway that was safe again. If you are going through circumstances, that over time has built a wall between you and God; dont give up. Remember...God has more power, than all your circumstances and when He hears your cries; He will come and break down the wall that has made you feel so alone, in your life.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 15:10:31 +0000

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