Today has been a good day. I was soooo dreading this procedure. - TopicsExpress


Today has been a good day. I was soooo dreading this procedure. Experienced extreme bone pain yesterday, which means the injections are doing their job, but it was not a walk in the park. My sweet family got me to bed, medicated me as instructed and I slept. Butch woke me up to feed me. He wouldnt let me do a thing. They all tucked me in and said goodnight. I woke every couple of hours and managed to fall asleep quickly each time. Driving to hospital this morning, I told Butch, you better get me there or I am backing out. It all turned out fine. I had superior care. Knew God was right there with me. The worst part was the lidocaine. Praying that when the pain meds wear off I can manage without extra. Looking back on our day, I knew I was not alone. Butch spoke to me in a way he has never had to but it was beautiful. He comforted me, threw in some logic, and spoke to me about trusting The Lord and that He has brought us through all of this and let it happen for a reason, even though we dont understand we have to keep on going. It blessed me so much for him to encourage me the way he did and reveal to me that God is speaking to Him the same way He is to me. I am still in awe that I am myeloma free as of now. I am praying that this is just a step and maybe God will reveal a cure for this disease not just for myself but everyone else that is battling it. I started praying before we came that He would line up everyone we needed and once again He has not failed. It has been such a blessing, every single person working with us has been kind and sweet. Precious and compassionate. I love it. I hate the sickness, but I love the people helping us through. Tomorrow they start collecting my stem cells. 7:30 am-3:00pm. I will have family members alternate sitting with me. The James have to be strong, Butch has to see a dentist here tomorrow as he is in excruciating pain. He insisted on sitting with me so I called in the Calvary to drag him to appt. thank you uncle Doug Deere and Auntie ( Ore Ora Mae Turner-Deere). Maci James and Madison Lynn James have both been bit by dogs over the weekend. Same spot on opposite thighs, different dogs, different cities. Growing up they did everything a day apart, Madison then Maci, from walking, cutting same teeth, etc, but dog bites- Mason has been fine although we are starting school this week, slowly. He is able to ride as there are many tracks in this area. We are so blessed by family and friend support. So a shout out to each of you, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Love you all and we are moving forward. Days like these confirm to me, I couldnt get through times like this without God. He provides in so many ways...He will do it for you too. Just ask!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:36:32 +0000

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