Today has been a very burdensome and anxious day for a lot of - TopicsExpress


Today has been a very burdensome and anxious day for a lot of people. For some worse than others. When God is the center of you life the burdens are not near as heavy as they could be. For those of you who do not know the Lord yours are far more burdensome than one who knows Jesus in a personal way. But the one who Trusts in the Lord with all of their Heart, who leans not on their own understanding, acknowledging Jesus in all your ways, (Proverbs 3:5-6) you will have an easier way for what ever is happening. You will have a Peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) no matter what the out come will be. This is because those who Trust in God, will Trust Him to do what is Best for the situation. You see God knows the ending to all things. He will make it His priority to the very Best, in every situation when Trusting in Him. When we Pray we need to use 4 simple steps to take our Prayers beyond empty words to an intimate relationship with Jesus, a relationship He desire to have with us. Praise, Repent, Ask and Yield... God desires are Praise, we are to Praise Him in all things good and bad. Repent, we must be cleansed of all sin in our life. God does not her our prayers when we have sin between Him and us. Then we must ask in His will.... when you ask God for something it should not be from selfish motives, it should be from a pure Heart and what is best for all concerned. Only the Lord knows what is best and we should Pray accordingly. Then Yield, wait, this is sometimes the hardest part of all, the waiting...He will answer in His time, it may be yes, it may be no, and it may be wait... but what ever, it will be Best for those concerned.... I am praying Gods will for those tonight who are hurting and in pain that God will be with you and give you a Peace that passs ALL understanding....
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:51:30 +0000

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