Today has been an emotional day. We lost a dear friend and mentor - TopicsExpress


Today has been an emotional day. We lost a dear friend and mentor and warrior for Christ. Pete Patterson. Carson has been in deep thought today trying to process it all. This afternoon he was in another room and Cade and Jake were outside playing with the dogs and I kept hearing a noise.. High pitched sound.. Finally realized it was Carson.. Crying .. Soon the crying got louder until it was a steady loud gut wrenching sob. I held him for at least 30 minutes while he cried.. He said, my heart is breaking all over again! Mr. Pete is gone and my Pop is gone!!! Pop is really gone!! Soon after he had a very desperate look on his face and said, I need my Gram!! He called Gram and they talked and cried and laughed sharing memories of Pop. Tonight the boys discussed the reality of life and death.. Cade broke down and said, mom, I pray Carson will live a long long life because I cant imagine my life without him. We are connected and its like our heart beats the same. He bugs me a lot but I love him so much! Sniff.. Wow! These kids have kept me in tears today! Of course throughout it all there was laughter and comic relief by these crazy kids! However, Cades comments confirmed Im not the only one that thinks about the realities of Carsons health and longevity. No one knows how much time we have and I rarely allow myself to go there but I often pray God will give me what I need to walk through anything.. With our kids, family members. Life is we get older it becomes more evident.. So I pray I may SLOW DOWN AND ENJOY EACH MOMENT.. SEEK HIS PRESENCE IN ALL THINGS!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 04:52:09 +0000

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