Today has been another mess :( It seemed to have continued on from - TopicsExpress


Today has been another mess :( It seemed to have continued on from yesterday. We got a phone call from school today that both Isaac and big sissy Kai were in the nurses office, Isaac with his asthma once again and Kai with hives covering her entire upper body. We picked them up along with Austin who we were informed by his teacher today had hit his head once again while playing on the playground. This time on a barrier pole that is out there. It scares me that he is able to get hurt so easily while playing outside although I do know that he is quite the character and not easily stopped when he gets going. At least they told us about the accident today. Both Isaac and Kai went to the pediatrician, Kais rash is an allergic reaction to something but we have no clue what, Isaacs asthma has flaired up even worse so he is now on home breathing treatments every 2-3 hours. If it doesnt seem to work or if he gets worse, he will have to be admitted. We are grateful that they are attempting to let us treat him at home though. The school was getting on us for not sending the boys to school when they were having an asthma flair so we decided to send them to let them know exactly how the boys can get....they very quickly realized the severity of brittle asthma and are making an immediate change to both of their IEPs stating that they will miss a lot of school and that we are not required to bring them when they are having any sign of an attack, that we do not have to have a doctors note for them every time they miss, and that they will miss school more frequently that most children. We are happy that they are finally listening to us and taking their health as seriously as we do. This makes us very happy as truancy can become a huge battle and cost a lot of money if they decided to file on us once they get older and start kindergarten. Thank you all so much for being such amazing prayer warriors! We love and appreciate all of you!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 18:37:12 +0000

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