Today has been bittersweet. We picked out the burial plots for our - TopicsExpress


Today has been bittersweet. We picked out the burial plots for our family and choose a spot perfect for Jenna. It is hard to say goodbye to your child even if you never really met them. We visited so few minutes with the boys too. It is hard when you kids are scattered in several locations. Today was a decent day for Jocelyn. She is eating really well which has helped flush her system out. She still is jaundice but her bilirubin levels have gone down. The doctors feel she still needs the over head billi light for at least one more day but took away the billi mat she was sleeping on She is on room air inside her isolette and hopefully tomorrow she can get off of the warmer and into a regular bed. Her oxygen levels are great and they removed the pulse-ox tonight. She has developed a goopy right eye that they are testing for infection just because her eyes are red from broken vessels they cant tell if the green goop is from an infection or blocked duct. When we came in for the night feeding the nurse said there would be two changes to our nightly routine. First Jocelyn needs prescription ointment on her butt because she has a bright red prickly rash all over and it is starting to spread to her upper tights as well. Secondly we were moving to a different pod of babies. Currently there are 80 NICU beds and they are all filled to the max and babies in critical care in triage were waiting for a room. Jocelyn was deemed the best, healthiest, on our unit to be moved to the feeder and grower unit. This is the final unit before you go home! Jocelyn has passed all of her test so far and once she is off the lights she can be weaned to an open bed and see if she can regulate her own temp and if she can pass the car seat test for two hours. The earliest she would be home is Sunday.prayers are amazing and working by the minute. She is down in weight again today 5lbs 11oz Tonight during feeding time daddy caught the many faces of Jocelyn enjoy!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 02:36:02 +0000

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