Today has been really rough for me and my father. More so than the - TopicsExpress


Today has been really rough for me and my father. More so than the last few months. This day has stripped me down to nothing. At least until 10:45 am. First and foremost, I want to thank everyone that has commented on, liked my post regarding Dads CT scan results. I cannot express our gratitude. Pins and needles all morning long. Then when Dr. Armstrong came in I really shut down. Dad told me yesterday Son I wont lie to you, I do not have a good feeling about the results we will get tomorrow. THIS KILLED ME INSIDE(didnt let him see). I drove home felling the worst pain ever, tears streaming down my face. Expecting the worst. However, Today... We got really great news. My fathers body is reacting to the Chemotherapy!!!!! When Doc told us this great news, I hung my head so tears would not be visible. I have never in my life heard my father sigh the way he did. What a relief. We discussed further treatment, which dad will endure 2 more cycles of Chemo after this(4th phase). There will be no radiation come January 2015. We also discussed the steroid injections that come with the chemo. Doc wants to lay off them due to dad not sleeping. He stood up and said I will let the nurse (Beth) know the changes to be made. I looked at dad when Armstrong shut the door. Dad looked at me, I never in my life would have ever expected to see my father fist pump. He did, I teared up instantly and told him that was the best news every. He hung his head speechless and started to break down(like only a real man would do). It was so hard not to get up and put my arms around him. Instead, I took someones advice and just tried to breath. I am still in a daze. Huge weight has been lifted off both of our shoulders. I have never seen my pops smile the way he did today. Once again I would like to thank everyone who took the time to pray, comment and like. If not for Jeanette Lasater Greene helping us with information and leading us to River Bend Nutrition, helping get dads White blood cell count up. Glen N Ky Bryant(Ky I owe you big time!!!!) sending us supplements to help dad with the lower stomach issues. Alicia Joyce and her background in oncology, providing us with valuable information and pointing us in the right direction with the gas issue. Also Alicia Zelsnack for her support. This might have been a tougher road that what it has been.(NOTE I did not go for grammar, could care less). ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU ALL!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:33:40 +0000

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