Today i made one off the biggest decisions in my life, resigned to - TopicsExpress


Today i made one off the biggest decisions in my life, resigned to my job off 10 yrs where i got payed veryyyy veryyyy good.....n this my letter for my bosses😢😢😢😂😪😰😖😤😓 and this how i feel right now .... Zayra Hernandez-Rodriguez Since we had our talk at Mc Donalds Ive been thinking and thinking so much about our talk this last couple off days, its been even hard for me to sleep well.. I also thought about my future if god permits me to grow old,my children,my parents... I dont want to work till the day I die because I didnt have anything saved or retirement. I want to give my children a way better life than what I had growing up, be able to go to college n have a good dad left us when I was so little that I never knew what love for a dad was til I became a dad I found out how big love for youre children is...I owe a lot to my mom n want to be able to take care off her when shes old if god permits it...When I get called by god I dont want to be emty handed with all he invest it in me I didnt do anything with my life ..This is the hardest decision Im making in my life giving you guys my two weeks notice..... You guys have been the best bosses I can ever have, trusted me n BELIVE in me in some of the biggest jobs for the comp where god was there because some were imposible to do in the time frame we had .... I CANT THANK YOU ENOUGHT FOR ALL THIS YRS .YOU GUYS MADE ME PART OFF STEPHENS FAMILY N PUT UP WITH ME .. Im very very scared because I dont know whats gonna happend with me tomorrow but being scared its not gonna take me anywhere..... I really really hope you as man off god understand me and wont be any hard feelings because off my decision..all I want is to give the people I love a better future and make use off what god gave me ...THANK YOU GUYS N REALLY HOPE WE WORK TOGETHER IN FUTURE TIME ...saying its the hardest thing Ive done in the last 8years. So I had to do it by email couldnt done it in person.....SORRYYYYYYYYY
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:36:51 +0000

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